Lefty Representation

Training literally anybody at work is a nightmare, because everybody tries to mimic what i’m showing them instead of mirroring it.

“You make this look so easy”
“Because i’m using my dominant hand, hold it the opposite way”
“Oh that actually was easy”

Same reason why you need a left handed tennis racket.

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This is a thing?

I doubt it will be high on Blizzard’s priority list. I remember years back I was in a meeting with 7 people and I noticed that ALL SEVEN of them were left handed. That’s like 1 in 10 million chance…and no it wasn’t a left handed convention.

Can we also get toons that can roll their tongue, and those who can’t. Any other dominant/recessives we could add?

It is oddly enough.

Yes give a left hand option so I can shoot in game like I do in RL

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It not be the full flavor of it with no brass hitting you.

Many times at the Rifle range in the military I had the pleasure of ejected brass hitting me. Man that sucked. Ejection port dumps the brass right by the left handed shooter lol. Sucks when it bounces into the cammie blouse.

So did jam clears. Tap, rack bang…is so right handed favored I’d call it discriminatory for service rifles lol.

It’s funny that you think that was the only time and that we’ve stopped.


Im left handed, and I dont think about it… at all. Most right handed people are the ones to say something about it.

“oh cool you are left handed!”… yeah… so what?

The thing is, im not my character. So it doesnt matter. I separate fiction from reality.

If you want to create a character that is left handed, it would be cool to have as an option. But not for representation purposes. Thats just getting old.

Yeah, pretty sure that this is beyond WoW’s engine. You’d have to deal with all the animations of each race, gender, and class, and I seriously doubt it’s more than just, “mirror it.”

The Latin word for left is sinister.

That says it all.

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No it isn’t.

There are rackets left handers prefer, but being left handed is about how you grip the racket, not the symmetrical racket itself.

Not sure about difficult, but possibly time-consuming, especially if they needed to adjust a large number of animations.

i have gotten books as gifts about being left handed since i was a kid. the stuff i posted was in literally all of the books i’ve gotten. it was even in a book specifically about left handed musicians. i recently moved to canada and didn’t bring any of my books or i’d cite page numbers and stuff.

my childhood was books about being left handed and whatever stephen king had put out recently, as gifts. “oh, you love to read? here”

I’m not saying they didn’t kill people who were left handed in the middle ages. That is fact.

What isn’t correct is that our low population is because of that.

you’re also left handed?

also sorry if it seemed i was being argumentative i responded to you instead of getting myself a forum vacation. :stuck_out_tongue:

i’ve spent the last few months on reddit and you can essentially say whatever you’d like to someone there as long as you’re not threatening them. can’t do that here.

Yep! I am.

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i’m the only left handed person in my family and my mom and sister used to make a huge deal about it all the time. like we’d go out to eat and they’d both sit on one side and i was made to sit on the other where my left hand wasn’t anywhere near a wall. lol. it was like some sort of weird right handers guilt. do you have any other lefties in your family?

Only my Uncle, but he passed away when I was in college ages ago.