Lefty Representation

I would kill for this. I’ve even made a thread about this myself at one point in the past. I was told it would be too much coding and too much nonsense for us lefties to be represented.

But as a lefty, by God, I would like this.


Mirror? No idea, but the idea/purpose is clear enough.

Something like that.

Everyone in the game is left-handed, you’re just seeing a mirrored image.

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I’d bet there’s a potential hack to video drivers to reverse the screen image.

That would mess up text (unless you’re Jewish - inside joke) but that would give the appearance of EVERYONE being left handed.

the left hand is the hand of the devil! lol sorry i couldnt help it.


I was highly ambidexterity as a child but I confused my teachers so they made me pick a hand. I picked left. XD

Ya I mean this isn’t a big deal. Would be cool.

No you’re on the right track…

Hot! :fire: :firecracker:

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dont make me get a newspaper, i was joking…

Oh I know winks you were “joking”

Lefties are…people, I suppose

My whole life I was the only left handed person I knew, then in the past 3 years 4 out of 5 of my partners were left handed.

I thought it was weird.


Yes we are. We stand out.

Woah…you are left handed!

Umm, yeah. thanks for the awkward call out…I guess.

Has its bene’s. got me out of some parent duties. Teaching kid to tie shoes…nope. He got the wife’s right handedness.

Writing…wife. Chopsticks…wife.

I see much blood in my kids future next 2 years when he gets facial hair. Wife can’t teach him how to shave. That I will do.

Be like me…but use your right hand. Okay now lets try this again not cutting yourself. lesson 2…toilet paper to cover the cut. Trust me son…it works.

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Give that Orc a cookie.

:cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

swap shield-sword pls.


Backs away slowly…

When I read the title, I seriously thought this was going in an entirely different direction. I was about to get the popcorn ready. lol

My cat seems to be left handed! At least, when he eats his food from his maxe tower, he always uses his left paw. :grin:

There was, but while insulting, Phodge isn’t wrong. The middle ages had nothing to do with left handed people being a small percentage.

He said that was the dumbest thing he saw today.

I asked if he finished reading not because it would prove the comment less dumb, but because there was even dumber stuff afterward in the same post.

Before the model and casting animation revamps, orc warlocks used to make their direct cast animations left handed.

It’d be a nice touch, make the character feel more mine. But they’ll never do it, it’s such a small thing.