Leaver penalty in M+

You yapping about all the keys you’d troll if you suddenly didn’t have free reign to ditch them

Fair enough. Reading comprehension would be a step up but confidence you have in spades. Excess even.

Case of point.

I didnt say anything about

When was the last time you actively participated in mythic plus?

That’s really what it boils down to. You can spin me all kinds of stories about how people are gonna game the system and we won’t be able to tell they’re trying to throw the key without getting a penalty but most of them are not that smart and would just do something else reportable in the process

Really this is a testament to what I said earlier about how wow’s report system is really weak and you have to be truly awful to get suspended for anything lol

There doesn’t need to be a penalty for leaving a key – some keys can be toxic bordering on abusive chat, or an emergency IRL could happen, or there could be people failing to interrupt, not using defensive CD’s or not doing mechanics to help themselves or the group.

If someone isn’t doing mechanics, like Incorporeal last week, I warned a group if they didn’t start helping me and one more went off that I’d leave. I’m not sticking around through a miserable run with several wipes. It isn’t fun. At least I told the group. Most people would have just left. But no one deserves to be penalized.

Usually the only people who bring this tired topic up are people who have never done a key over +20 (or +10 now). Once you start getting up to +23/+13 and higher, you start to see you brick more keys than you time it feels like. Leaving is perfectly fine. At all key levels. It is part of the process of m+. Just push your key back up and stop being a babyrager.

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No it doesnt.

Remember when you were against people making things up?

I rather not be enslaved to a doomed run of people who don’t know when to quit. I can’t imagine a worse experience in the game.


if theres a penalty. i hope its very weak. nothing more then 30 mins cant use group finder. i get it sucks. at the same time things happen.
toxic groups. unreasonable situations between boss 1 and 2 that turns tanks into silent screamers.
that being said i put the blame on myself rather than others. if the person leaves i look atmyself and say " what did i do wrong ? "

I think it’s clear by now that this guy had zero idea what he’s talking about and is just being a contrarian.

I can’t find literally any mythic plus achievements whatsoever, so everything he’s saying is baseless conjecture.

Legitimately not worth any more of anyone’s time.


I would argue that’s less because of player attitude and more of the barriers of infinite scaling, where you start to run into actual obstacles of survivability and damage.

Add that to where you’re a lot more likely to be in a semi organized group, making the disband a group agreed upon choice, and its not quite the same thing as an M+ Andy saying that he’s gonna outsmart everybody and troll -just- enough to not be detected and get out of his weekly +3 key

Your rule gave no option for a group disband.

My suggestion was operating within the confines you outlined.

No one said anything about +3 keys. I specifically mentioned keys where IO is the target, not gear.

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There should be a penalty for necroing threads.

Not for leaving terrible groups.


Are you asking for a surrender vote? I could be down for that. That’s why I only played league with at least two friends, so we could have control of the surrender vote lol

Why is a surrender vote needed?

You are really paranoid and suspicious. Like read what you wrote a few times and roll it over to hear how insane that sounds.

You tell me, you brought it up dude.

Yes or no

Do you think there should be a leaver penalty?

No I didnt. You did.

Someone who doesn’t play the game mode is making baseless assumptions that there are people entering into m+ just to troll it.

In well over 600 keys this expansion, I’ve not encountered this type of player once.

There’s no reason to even keep feeding the troll.