Leaver penalty in M+

Its not paranoid to say that if there was actual consequences to leaving M+ that people would try to do any degenerate thing they could think of to still ditch keys but circumvent the penalty.

That’s just me acknowledging reality. I think those people shouldn’t be allowed to play the game, but fortunately for them that’s not in my control.

You are right. I will stop.

You must go through a lot of gold each season.

Then why did you ignore my question?

You’re ignoring reality

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I’m sorry pookie.

What was your question?

So you’re speaking hypothetically about a system that doesn’t exist? That isn’t reality, it is your fantasy.

Blizzard won’t ever implement a penalty for m+ and leaving. Too many variables and conditions warrant it being acceptable to leave. If you really suspect someone of this behavior then report them for “gameplay sabotage” and let them investigate. But as for a penalty that you describe, it has been 8-9 years of m+ so if it hasn’t been added yet, it never will.

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I’ll say it again

Which I already said, and you probably didn’t see.

None of that answers the question.

You gave two reasons for some type of system but that doesn’t answer my question.

It’s literally a yes or a no.

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I’ll answer for him. Absolutely not.

Ur arguing with someone who argues with everyone in the dungeons sub with bad takes all the time.

Who doesn’t even do dungeons🫠

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Got double tapped with mechanics back to back this round compared to last. So many reasons

Hall of Fame bad takes or just run of the mill bad takes?

Run of the mill GD type

I’d like if there was one, yeah. I’m aware of the challenges that it would bring though. The problem is more with the players than the game.

Which is why the leaver penalty couldn’t be as strict as I’ve described where we look at logs and judge if it was an oopsie or they trolled because they wanted to leave. Not logistically feasible and is subjective.

I don’t foresee the sun collapsing if someone that leaves keys a lot eventually getting a timeout from lfg if they do it a lot. The kind of player that does that is commonly vocal and obvious about their reasoning.

Good god…

I know his name so I was thinking like Wayne Gretzky tier god awful takes.

Another dude that goes through lots of gold per season. Yippee.

I called him a yapper and he cried.

Everyone who has the even faintest hint of logic and understands how and why the systems are the way they are? Must pay for boosts.

What? Are you implying that I buy carries?