Leaver penalty in M+

Ok. But its specifically just the first person that leaves?

You cant be expected to stay in a m+ down a person. Right?

After one person leaves, everyone else is free to go without consequences?

Because your rule is unclear. For it to be followed and enforced, it has to be understood.

What considers a leaver, and how often is “frequent”

This means absolutely nothing, and it’s usually people who use this that have the worst ideas and no clue what it is they’re talking about…which falls in line i guess

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Say what you’re trying to say already and stop wasting my time

He won’t answer this because he knows it’s abusable

I said I’ve been playing the game for a long time and that its been consistently stable enough to where I don’t dc from M+ keys enough to make frequent leaver penalty in M+ a problem

It seems like you’re the one having issues with comprehension, since everyone else seems to clearly understand that he wants you to outline your imagined improvement to the current situation.

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Its extremely easy to get someone else to leave, while not doing an action that is reportable.

Lets say I join a 12 for IO points. That is the goal. I see the group will not complete it in time. I want to leave. But I cant because of this “first person who leaves gets penalized” rule.

Instead, I make it horrible for 4 others. Until someone else leaves first.

Maybe I tab target once. Man, I am such a bad player. I accidentally pulled extra.

Maybe my heals just become a little slower. Just slow enough we start wiping a lot.

Either way, someone else gets fed up and leaves first. Now I accomplished my goal, no penalty. Because you cant report a person for not being skilled enough.


I think all of ya are just yapping about why you should continue to be allowed to dodge keys that aren’t easily killed for you lol

No. We are pointing out that a rule to target people leaving is not easy to create. Which is why there hasnt been one created.

Because once you start nailing down specifics, it becomes apparent how it will do more harm to bystanders.


I welcome you to go through all logs and raiderio of my completed keys and tell me which ones I left before completion.

You stated you had a better solution; is very fair to ask you to outline what exactly that entails.

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CS forums will show you that this isn’t the case for everyone. Playing since 2006 means nothing if you’re not actively playing. Playing 1 hour a week doesn’t amount to much.

You keep deflecting. Wonder why that is:

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You just described purposely deliberately and measurably trolling a key, which is more explicitly covered in the rules.

Also if you’re gonna just give up because you don’t think the key is gonna be timed then you should not play M+ anymore lol

like I already said

Yet no one would be able to prove that.

Thats my point.

You cant prove I am trolling the key. I cant get in trouble for it. But I can ensure by doing this I do not get in trouble for leaving.

You just claimed there were no consequences for things like this:

Tell everyone youve never pushed past gear reward levels in content before…lol goodness gracious. Just confirmed:

You literally don’t play at a level where you have relevant experience. An untimed 11+ is treated equal to an untimed 10.

It is actually. Its quite measurable. Wow is a lot different from league in the way that I have a nifty details addon that can show me in an itemized fashion the exact moment you fall off. That you also have a thought out plan for how you’d troll keys to get out of them means you shouldn’t keep your account right now. I guess blizzard needs the sub badly.

This wouldn’t be nearly as much of a thing in +12’s either because most people at that level of play would have the resilience to not babyrage and would be trying to win still.

So your argument is going to be that Blizzard will look over all logs, and your history of logs?

“See here, where he had a 0.6 second reaction time on heals? Where here he shifted to a 0.9 second reaction time. clearly trolling”

That is your argument. That Blizzard will go over every log of every reported bad player?

You described trolling on your damage or going afk or suddenly not healing as much, but moved the goalpost to reaction time. Cool.

Nobody that habitually ditches keys is good enough to modify their reaction time to that degree.

Can you show me where I said this?

So you can prove deliberately choosing to throw, not simply slipping up or losing focus?

“Thought out plan” you say? It is literally just play worse so someone else leaves. As for someone who shouldn’t keep their account, get off your high horse.

Leaving dead keys? Do you know the panda who complains about how they are the best player? I think you two would get along speaking on things you have no experience with.