Leaver penalty in M+

Your solution to that is to encourage you to troll, grief, sabotage to make someone else leave. It’s a terrible idea.

Can you outline a rule that could be made, that wont also target innocents?

Enough reports (which can be tracked) about you doing this would be considered intentional griefing which is in fact, actionable offense.

You’re more than welcome to try though.

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In literally hundreds of mostly pug keys this season, I’ve had one leaver that was more likely just a dc since we were smashing the key.

People that are consistently having this issue are likely a problem themselves.

I’ve said before in similar threads that the reasons I believe for not implementing a rule like this is twofold

1: Blizzard doesn’t want us to be able to replace people after timer start because that would make carries worse and you could be kicked maliciously right before a key is over
2: The report process blizzard currently has in the game is lacking and they’re unable to automate the process and unwilling to manually arbitrate drama in the thousands of keys that are ran per week

I would be happy if they just put in a frequent leaver penalty of some kind. The issue wouldn’t be “fixed” by any means but I think if you’re the type to just right click leave party when something goes wrong then you’re probably doing that all the time. It shouldn’t be no limits no questions asked like it currently is.

That is completely irrelevant to my question

I asked for an example rule to target this, that wouldn’t also catch up people not intentionally leaving.

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You asked for a rule so I gave you one.

Your internet is not going out three times in one week specifically at times you’re playing M+ bro. I don’t buy that.

Also, other games eventually stop letting you join games if you can’t stay connected because of that. That’s consistent with other multiplayer games.

Where? Could you supply specifics

Mr. Punchdog, what you’ve just said is one of the most rambling, incoherent response were I have ever seen. I award you no points.

No you did not.

Yes I did. You just don’t like it.

So I want to clarify.

The first person to leaves is the one that gets this frequent leaver penalty? The person that breaks up the group?

So your answer was “No I could not come up with a system that would ensure nobody is wrongly punished.”

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Sure you can make stuff up. Its a role playing game after all. Its fun to pretend.

I dont want to make anything up.

So people just arent meant to run keys during Tuesdays, the occasional Wednesday/Thursday, the first month of any expansion/season due to bugs and the many other things that cause disconnects/dropped groups that fall on client end

I’ve played this game since 2006 and I’ve never crashed that consistently. Even if I was, wouldn’t that make me dumb for forcing the issue and ruining other people’s keys on purpose knowing my connection was spotty?

You skipped me. Twice. I need some clarification on your “rule”

I’d first like to know why you’re asking this, since being so annoying like you are probably means you’ve made up an answer I am supposed to have beforehand

I just need clarification on how this rule works. I dont want to make things up, since you implied that is bad.

So after you let me know how this rule fully works, I can then show you why the rule would make things worse.

My idea is that other multiplayer games will usually have some sort of standard for once you join a match, whatever that game mode is, you’re expected to stay in and complete that match.

Think league, overwatch, etc

League is a good example because that community is full of trolls and goblins with no mental fortitude, kinda like wow. If you keep leaving matches, league will start punishing you. You’ll lose ranked points if you leave in character select, you’ll be forced to take breaks from queueing, eventually they just stop letting you join games. Yes, this applies even if your team is losing. Oh yes, even if your team SUCKS at the video game you in fact do not get to just unplug your router and be like “sorry riot my internet went out anyway its better now so lets go again”