Leaver penalty in M+

You should stick to the topic. Thx

So you’ve got perfect groups made all the time and you’ve never experienced this? Absolute garbage take.

You should have stuck to the topic a year ago.


I mean nothings changed about the topic. There’s no rules about leaving M+ keys for some reason. They don’t even have to be that strict. But there’s not really any.

I could just join keys and then purposely leave them right when the timer starts. Key holder would take a fat -1 on their stone and I’d get zero consequences.

There’s no rules about leaving a raid, either. Player made group, Blizzard is hands off. Why did you feel the need to drag this thread out of the unholy void

This is far less prevalent than the amount of hostage-holding that would happen if there were a leaver penalty.

Creating one would invite more problems than solutions.

Should be rewarded for leaving mythics if the person making the group has ever necrod a thread about m+ leavers


Because it’s on players to be mindful about who they take. All content that matters is intended for organized groups, sure you can pug it, but you’ll be at the mercy of the randos.

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screw penalties for leavers, give me extra rewards for carrying people who clearly turn off their monitors once the key begins

“single wipe”, sure. Definitely not the dozens of other errors that lead up to that point.

As before the easy solution is just replace leavers with those terrible bots so at least the stayers can finish the run. Don’t need to punish the leaver, maybe reward the stayer. If they are getting left so much, they could probably use the practice anyways.


Don’t look at me. I didn’t do it, I’m just making it worse!

I love how the biggest most consistent argument, or more like excuse is pretending that anybody wants you banned from the game the second you leave instead of just, like, you get a timeout if you consistently ditch groups

Ah yes, a bot in a high key sounds lovely. What could possibly go wrong?

Look a leaver is no problem in 11. If we aren’t timing there is no point

Balance them so they are minimally competent enough to complete (not necessarily time) up to level 10

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It would sometimes be an improvement, honestly.

If you leave a M+ you have a write a 1,000 word essay on why you left and pay a 100,000 gold fine before you can rejoin another.

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Ah, my apologies, you weren’t the lunatic who necroed the thread.

No. It is a player made group, there are no lockouts or penalties for leaving a player made group.

Nothing I wrote mentioned a ban. If you don’t think people in this game are more likely to troll a group they don’t want to be in versus take a 30 minute “time out”, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale with your name on it.

If people are having consistent issues with leavers in m+, there is a 100% chance they’re the common denominator problem.

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you must write a heartfelt apology to the key holder and they can choose whether to accept it or give you a week suspension

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The rules already let me troll key groups by leaving them. The only thing stopping me is that I’m not a bigger dirtbag.

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