Leaver penalty in M+

Except you’re asking for 4/5 so obviously that one guy that would leave will be trapped in this group if he’s the only one that wants to leave, and a trapped player that wants to leave will be a magnitude worst than him just leaving without a word.

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You’re not entitled to my time.


because the group was formed manually. There is only a punishment for leaving queued content.


Sorry but if I get a premade group that’s trying to nurse a tank through who still has the training wheels on with no hope of timing the key - I’m leaving, no ifs ands or buts. I’ve put my time in on the game - I don’t have to put up with a tank who doesn’t know his kit who’s only pulling 2 mobs at a time.

If there’s someone in your group who clearly doesn’t belong - I would actually encourage leaving. M+ is not the place for people to learn their class.

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It should look completely different.
You can’t leave a dungeon if its running time. If for some reason (intentional or not) you become offline, or are reported by players for sabotaging (I think to be credible it should be done by the other 4 people) a flag should be put on your account. Several flags should result in your account being blocked. The first block, for example, for 12h, subsequent blocks 50% longer. Of course, this requires an efficient appeal support, because there will be no shortage of trolls reporting for a joke.
If the programmed dungeon time end you should be able to leave without consequences.
In addition, there should be a “surrender” system to avoid being stuck in a dungeon for 30 minutes knowing that it would be impossible to complete it… Sometimes you can already see on the first boss that you will not be able to complete a given dungeon. The system should be available 3-5 minutes after the dungeon starts. If 3 out of 5 members agree to surrender (because it is known that the leader will probably not want to), the dungeon can be dissolved without consequences for the team members.

Strange all these people are dropping from groups for no reason

Not until we get a penalty for people who cause wipes in M+.


This tbh. Blizzard has placed a high risk on pugging, despite being told numerous times they need to make the pug experience better, they just don’t. Players will say “just do organized content”, and honestly, they’re right. If you opt into a pug, whether it be raid or dungeon, you sign up knowing people could bail on you or do dozens of other toxic, yet non reportable, things. Blame blizzard imo, not the leavers.

True this but does it encroach into the “Be nice to others” territory?

By doing this you are knowingly disrupting another gameplay… but then by being forced to stay its disrupting your gameplay… catch 22 I guess

There’s nothing to blame blizzard for.

You can’t force people to play with you.

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What happens when people try a key that is to hard for the group and they cannot even complete it?

Dice roll at the end of the run to see who gets punished?

What happens when comcast decides to restart their services mid dungeon? I just can’t play the entire rest of the day over something I had no control on?

Seems like that will keep people invested and wanting to play.

In my opinion you just need to make your own groups and do a better job vetting players you invite. You are probably taking the high io sweatlords who wont finish your key on a fail over more casual players who will. Which there is nothing wrong with because you are probably picking better players, but just remember in these types of groups when they don’t go well these people aren’t going to stick around. They have an agenda.

People make groups all the time that say for completion. Why you cannot do the same not really sure?

Exactly right about this.

If you’re inviting high IO sweatlords but your tank is pulling small and making things take longer it should then don’t expect them to stick around.

It’s just a guild. I don’t know what grudge that poster has against them, but he seems to have a grudge against everybody in the game. I have several characters in Old Gods guilds. They seem to be perfectly normal.

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The simple solution is if they leave early they get a debuff for the remaining duration of the time on the key. So if you run out of time. They don’t get a penalty.

If you join some elses key tho. You do sort of like have an obligation to try or teach them for a bit. Quitting without any constructive communication is almost as bad as mouthing off or deliberately overpulling. Or wiping the group through mechanics.

There’s one exception to this. If you’re being harrassed by other players. Just leaving is often the best approach. Better would be to tell them to respect you and then leave.

However it’s been normalized because there is no way for the community to blacklist key leavers. There should be. And it may even be against the ToS… but we should have an addon that lets us click their names and they never show up in our queues or parties or if they do it shows their name as red or with an asterisk or whatever so we know to politely leave the group before the key starts. And it shares to everyone else within your organization on the addon.

Anyway it’s my 2cp. And players should have the agency to punish key leavers. And im happy if blizz did that with a mechanic. Even if the debuff is only 2/3rds what is left on the timer. The key holder should have the option to disband the group and kick the key at anytime without penalty incase someone does deliberately wipe the group and leave the key dead. I feel this reasonably covers all bases and isn’t something that could be very costly or time consuming on blizzards end.

No, because for one this can easily be circumvented by not logging off nor leaving the group - instead players will just sit at the entrance until the group leader removes the player (if he/she isn’t the group leader him/herself) or the rest of the group gives up. No matter how much you try to create a penalty for this there will always be at least one work-around to avoid it. How about instead of punishing random players you decide to be proactive with the players in your keys and invite friends and/or guild members?

Nah I blame blizzard for allowing such a toxic system. I don’t blame the players. Like you said, you can’t force them to group with you.

Ok, and sabotaging will also include missing interrupts/cc, taking avoidable damage, and low DPS for your ilevel.

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The fact that you are the common denominator here escapes you?

Maybe your post should be about what can you do to keep people from abandoning your group. Not about having a mechanism implemented to allow you to hold them hostage?

What’s funny is that in the keys I run, the tank or healer is usually the one wiping the group.

Well yes because you can do bosses with two dps dead.