Leaver penalty in M+

bad thing is its not my key i dont lead raids or groups never been good at it i leave that to others

WIth out penalty

The 7-15 range has always been bad with those people. It isn’t something new.

It’s not an issue because people don’t leave good keys.

thats another thing saying people dont leave good keys that might be your experience but not all peoples experience

Im not penalized for leaving as is

yeah so lets do something about it rather hten going “Oh well.” when there is a very easy solution, just add a vote system, if someone wants to rage quit they can imitate a vote.

If they are that much of a try hard they cant finish a mid key, then they can chill out for a time until their debuff goes away.

I meant the “your” in general.

Say you have a super under performing group leader. Basically a free carry. It’s going to take 2+ hours to clear the key if you even clear it. You can’t leave if there’s a penalty because of the penalty and in essence that would kill pugging.

I understand the skepticism but I can assure you the group was on point in a little 15 nelth. 4 of us were in coms and pugged the 5th. We ended up 4 manning the entire dungeon and was actually close to timing it until we wiped on the last boss a couple times from not getting that absorb off with a missing player. You can see the run on my rio page the +15 from 8 days ago. Doesn’t even show the 5th.

No. It’s a non issue. If you have people leaving your keys all the time it’s a YOU issue.

It has zero to do with being a try hard. I don’t do free carrys nor do I stick in keys that will take over an hour to complete.

As someone that pushes keys to a decent level it’s a fact though.

Outside of personal emergencies like power going out of someone having a medical issue people aren’t going to leave a key that’s going well.

My brother in christ, there is nothing on this earth or in wow i can do, to prevent DPS or healers standing in the way of a slow moving melted orange skittle looking lava blob, and getting one shot by it, Try as i might, i cant fix stupid.

If you’re the lead you invited them. Should have vetted them harder if you’re that worried about bricking a key.

Here’s a tip. If you want to actually improve at keys they are going to get bricked. Having a meltdown because someone left isn’t going to change that.

Im not having a melt down, im just asking for a way to gracefully end a key that is not going well, so that people who throw their hands up at the first sign of any issue can chill.

Fub fact, this can be done with only 2 players. Only takes 3 weapons to clear the shield and each person can hold 2

So i was just listing a few reasons why someone would leave after the first few pulls even while things looked good. Wasnt exactly pertaining to your run :slight_smile:

You’re wanting to punish people for not staying in your key.

If people want to leave they should have every right.

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Yea we actually learned that from this specific run lol. Tank held two items every time and we got through it.

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A solution has been in place since m+ was implemented. As per design: run with organized groups instead of pugging


Except for: ALT+F4, unplugging ethernet, disabling wifi, unplugging router, there are a host of ways to “DC”

*Disclaimer: again, not an advocate for leaving unless it’s bad, but don’t really see a good way to prevent it besides play with people of similar expectations

They just said what the difference is.

Yes. Blacklist them yourself.

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