Leaver penalty in M+

Oh… I hadn’t thought of that. So I need to be in the mindset of it being like raid progress: you can hit a wall and have to call it. I get it now. Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:

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simple solution to that key runs out of time no penalty for anything but if you leave while the key is still active yes there be a penalty.

As I have pointed out in the many other threads on the topic…that isn’t a solution. You are trapped in the dungeon with me as much as I am with you. Players that are trapped in a group they don’t want to be in would likely suffer a significant loss in performance.

At that point the game changes to me trying to convince you to leave before I do.

“LFG” is the manual group process where a player starts a group and invites other players. “Random Dungeon Finder” is the insta queue where players are put into a group by the system. Not the same.

I’ve had leavers in my keys. It sucks, but I understand why they don’t let you report people for it even if I’d like to see the leaver banned. What few that’s left will leave before first boss with 0 deaths and the tank doing solid pulls. Doesn’t make sense why sign up for something and leave within the first couple minutes and everything going well.

What I would at least like for them to implement is an account wide blacklist so I can safely know that I will not have to play with them again. They won’t see my lfg listing and I won’t see theirs or groups they are currently in.

LFR and LFD are auto queues. I accidentally typed G instead of D. My bad. Typo. I’ll fix that. :slightly_smiling_face:

The “solution” is to play with friends / guildies / communities so you dont have to worry about leavers.

In the event you do not want to do that, you have to deal with the risk of random.human behavoir.

You can’t have a one sided system in place. If you penalize those who leave, whats the penalty for the group leader who held the group hostage (from fear of being penalized for leaving), who failed to time the key as well?

And no. No loot and downgraded key is not a penalty because that also affects the person who left early (no loot, no key, no score)


No one leaves good keys.


No. Stop beating this poor horse.

Why is it always someone from the Old Gods? Are y’all like a multi server guild?

yea from what i understand it spans like 20 servers, idk i just came back to the game 3 months ago after being gone since start of BFA and they randomly sent me a invite so I joined

I’d suggest finding another guild. I have yet to see someone in that guild that’s actually good at the game.

honestly im more of a solo player i just use guilds for the perks lol like hasty hearth if i could get those perks without a guild tbh i wouldnt even be in one

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blizzard just need a vote to kill key, anyone can initiate a vote to kill the key
4/5 votes the key is is ‘killed’ and you can leave with out issue.

If some one drops the group, before the vote to kill is passed or even initiated, they get a 8 hours ban from M+
If they DC, and the group votes to kill the key, they only need 2/4 and the DC person is not penalized.

I gotcha. Just a friendly suggestion from one lock to another. They have a bad rap on the forums because everyone in that guild cries about really really bad things.

While no one could have died, no one body pulled, the first few pulls could show: lower than average dps, misused interrupts / CDs / defensives (or lack thereof altogether), skittish group, hnfamilair with route and %, no one focusing priority adds.

As a tank i stick the runs out until.someone else leaves.

Prime example. Just the other day i tried a 16 NL. Wasnt a horrible group. Had a great Arcane Mage doing insane DPS. But he wouldnt focus adds. Which needs to be done in that third boss. And they need to be otherwisee boss can start doing double damage. Which is a no no on Tyr weeks. But thats what happened.

He leaves and has the audacity to say “sorry, healing is rough thia season”. No. No its not. Mechanics are hard


People don’t leave good keys.

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this is my first time posting on the forums since early legion if i remember right so to me it was worth the post

And the +11-+16 range is filled with the Mythic equivalent of 1400 heros who act like they are hot stuff because they timed a 16 once, or did a 20 and leave the second anything goes other then perfect.

Key leaving is REALLY bad right now.

The issue that you’re posting about isn’t a real issue though. It’s part of the cost of pugging. It happens. However you can’t punish people or force people to stay in your key.

I can leave keys now with no issue though?