Leaver penalty in M+

No one said people don’t leave keys, but you’re the only person claiming that there are serial key killers

The way I look at it is that you will not completely fix people leaving. You have to be able to leave some keys. Either something irl happens or the key is literally doomed. Whatever it is.

What I’m speaking to specifically, and what people love to point out in threads like this, is that there’s nothing in the rules to ever give you consequences from leaving any amount of keys. I think that’s a gap in the rules.

The arguments of “just pick better groups” and “M+ isn’t matchmade so they can’t leaver penalty you” do not work because if you apply the same logic to people that are leaving the group that they consciously decided to join, then that line of thinking breaks itself.

Im starting to feel like this is a common denominator situation.

I know ive run multitude more keys than Punch at all different levels, and the amount of the leavers hes trying to target have been about 1 in every 250 keys.

This seems to be most othet peoples experiences, minus his, as well.

So if everyone is chronically leaving the keys he is in…well…theres one common denominator amongst that level of information


And how do you propose to fix that gap, without there being collateral damage from innocent people being caught in the system?

Give me an actual example

It is 100 percent rare but each of those experiences have been frustrating enough to leave an impression where you feel something should be done about it.

I still remember a 18 (old system) Halls of Valor key that got ruined back in Legion because we had one wipe(we were going to +2) and the tank left afterwards.

But this I have to say is wildly exaggerated the impact of the punishment would have. Point being something is going to be done sooner or later and I would wish Blizzard communicated this before the complaints trigger a response for them.

And they been at it every expansion, every season without fail.

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So you didn’t really answer much there, aside from realizing that you can’t really make an automated system to judge and punish people who leave groups from your first paragraph.

The last paragraph however, picking better groups is actually a solution. Better players would usually have a higher success rate which means less chance of someone leaving unless it is a matter of the party leader being the weakest link and causing the downfall of the group.

The speculation of people only leave because there’s no consequence it’s strange though, because there is a consequence. If you leave the time you spent in the key was wasted, you get zero crafts, zero loot and the time spent and consumables and repair costs were offer nothing, the punishment has already been dealt and hopefully one could at least learn from it as to not repeat mistakes.

I said from the beginning that I believe they haven’t implemented a leaver penalty because its not automatable but it makes sense you missed it underneath all the people chimping out at me

But what you’re saying is a self absorbed outlook because there are other people in the party that are now in a disbanded party and a likely dead key unless its really low and you can still do it down a dps. They have the same time spent, repair costs, and consumables spent that you do. And if you weren’t the keyholder, their stone is now -1

I don’t think people only leave because there’s no consequences, rather I think that makes the decision for them to leave too easy. If there’s no friction to not caring about the party you’re currently in and you just find another run to apply to, there’s nothing tying you to that current run.

Which is why I’ve been consistently advocating for some sort of rolling counter, some sort of longer term report system to discourage people from just peacing out of keys.

And how is this system going to differentiate from someone trolling, and someone leaving because they can tell that before the first boss, the healer is not going to be able to keep the group up well enough to time a key?

What is your solution to that

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From personal experience, 4 out of 5 times, the leaver was the key holder Alt+F4ing.

Again, you’re trying to suggest implementing a system that puts automation into tracking or punishing leavers after admitting that such a system won’t work.

Still, your suggestion is the same as someone saying “Never invite players from X realm” because a lasting, negative impression you’ve had with someone from that realm.


I’m not trying to describe a system that automatically arbitrarily just bans you when you click leave party because they detected you trolled or whatever. That’s not automatable.

Was running a +14 Tyrs last night. We had 1 wipe, and the mage leaves-- He complains I didn’t heal him, and I explained to him, he was on the other side of the room-- so far away that Beacon of Virtue missed him (am hpal and my heals are proximity based), and THEN he goes on to blame tank positioning, etc, etc… :disappointed:

So I run the +13, and we wipe twice-- AND STILL TIME IT.

Some of these leaver types make me a strong advocate of violence. lol

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Sorry to read about the key. Was the death during Deios (last one?) or the dwarves?

Snake-guy-boss. The crushing stomps do a nice chunk of damage, and when combined with his dot can be fatal if you cant top the player off.

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So, you’re saying two different things here. People will find a way to abuse the system, groups will get a person to leave then report them and try and build up a ‘punishment’ through the system.

There will be groups that act in bad faith to troll random pugs. Punishment would not be fair.
There will be bad groups that get mad when someone leaves their doomed run with 20 deaths before the first boss. Punishment would not be fair.
There will be players that get DCed or have other issues beyond their control. Punishment would not be fair.

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God this entire thread has been trying to talk people off a ledge of what I haven’t said but what they think I might be saying

Now we’re telling stories that the M+ community as a group is going to start picking randoms to troll relentlessly to get them to leave so they can mass report that one person

Also that somehow some way someone’s internet is going out so much, so consistently, and whenever they’re running keys, causing them to get punished

I just don’t buy that dude. That’s nonsense.

Samsonite, I was way off. Just a weird boss for the mage to claim the tank had bad positioning. Almost all the tank’s positioning is based on where the stun puddles are placed.


I mean, I’m just talking from personal experience, back in Wrath when LFD came out, I encountered a group with a troll tank that was holding the group hostage to get someone else to take the leaver penalty. When we vote-kicked him, someone said they had a tank friend, the person they invited was the tank that was vote-kicked to start it over again.

You seemed perfectly fine with making up a bad guy in that people constantly leaving keys is a problem because they aren’t penalized, so how come another made-up bad guy is any different?


When someone is going to get punished for leaving, people will find a way to make someone else leave first.

This has already happened, thats why the deserter buff is a thing in queued content. Tanks or healers would queue into a dungeon they didnt want, and then just afk until someone else left so they wouldnt get the punishment.

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This glad bag still talking?

You’d think after getting dragged so hard last night due to struggling to time 7s dude would have given up


When you find yourself arguing with 15 people at the same time and in every thread you visit, maybe you should realize that your takes are just bad.