Leaver penalty in M+

His level of deflection is amazing. His idea and yet he cant put forth a single idea as to how it should work without involving collateral damage

i think the ratio of completely irrational rage leaver to honestly deserved foreseeable leaver is 1:20 at the most generous

There’s no point to your question. You don’t have proof of a negative and I don’t have access to any sort of logs to show a specific person leaving multiple keys.

However I believe that since there’s no rules in place for leaving runs that people ditching runs probably do it a lot because nothing happens to them. This would be a compromise. You wouldn’t be forced into a disaster run but you wouldn’t get to leave completely without restriction.

so you have no source other than speculation


And neither do you.

Where are these folks?

Pretending to be incredulous is not an argument.

you’re right, but I’m not the one asking for a change to the game, you are, thus the burden of proof is on you.

I personally think the whole leaver thing is blown out of proportion. Do people leave groups? yes, undoubtely true that they do. Do they leave groups in numbers large enough to be statistically significant? not in my experience.

of the hundreds if not thousands of keys I’ve ran over the years, I can probalby count the number of leavers I’ve encountered on two hands.

this is a big nothingburger.


had no plan to live in nokhud offensive forever and ever, gotta hearth eventually
no AH in NO valdrakken :frowning:

It not happening to you doesn’t mean that its not happening.

I at least was honest in saying that I don’t have data to pull out of my pocket and show you for disbands vs completions.

Who’s pretending? I have hundreds of keys this expansion and can’t seem to find these leavers. Do a lot of people leave your keys?

Nobody asked how many keys you ran this season

So… You’ve just been trolling, got it.

I left a key before (the rhetorical I presented was a situation where I left a key) and I’ve seen people leave keys. But know what we do in those situations? We put players on ignore so we don’t group with them again, we won’t be inviting someone who left a key to a different key.

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No you made things up, claimed that you didn’t see it happen personally so therefore there’s literally no way that its a problem or that its even happening, and then declared some sort of victory.

Literally don’t care. How many people leave your keys?

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I mean, you said it, not me.

Not as many nowadays because I stop doing M+ after I get the season mount because that’s as much pugging as I can tolerate

going higher would just be more time being invested and wasted


Thank you uncleruckus very cool

Anytime cuz.