Leaver penalty in M+

Maybe this all stems from the fact you have yet to describe anything useable instead of just saying “it’s a system” and “it can’t be abused” over and over whilst ignoring questions.

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Any leaver penalty that punishes even one innocent player (even if they’re bad) would be detrimental to this game mode. We complain a lot about affixes, tuning and everything else but we come back. If a tank dies 5 times to the first pack of Nokhud, I have the option of hanging around to help them learn or leave. If I choose to leave and there is any hint of a punishment on my account for it, I’m logging and not coming back for a while.
Blizzard must have read at least some of these leaver penalty suggestion posts… if they mention even a hint at possibly thinking about actually implementing a leaver penalty, we need to jump on it immediately and loudly because if it goes live it’ll be disastrous for our favorite game mode.


There needs to be a stat recorded for M+ attempted and completed. No punishments, just so people know more about who they are inviting.

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Everyone good is probably at 20% or less.

No, there doesn’t.


I think there should be a penalty, but I’d take this. The problem is at higher keys people are chasing rating more than gear, so when the success of the key is not possible it isn’t unreasonable to just abandon it.

Then higher rated players could understand and invite people with low completion rates. If thats what happens anyways.

I wouldnt, but they claim good people have a 20% completion rate. So it shouldnt bother them

sorry I misunderstood what you were saying.

And yes, you’re correct higher rated players likely would. but that doesn’t mean we need scarlet letters following us around.

besides, “Player left X number of groups” is bad data. it means nothing in the absense of WHY that player left the group.

If we’re going to start permanently labeling people, let’s label the baddies who cause others to leave groups “This player grey parses on their best days” “This player never uses their interrupts” “This player has no spatial awareness and keeps backing into groups everyone else walked past”

ridiculous? yes. but no more than “this player left a group”


You have no idea how much I miss the feedback part of openraid. The bad eggs really suck out if you took the time to check.


so you’re a piece of garbage. got it.

Because it would penalize innocent players who have no desire to be in a run that is going nowhere, doesn’t make sense in M+ and potentially kill M+ pugging.

Mythic+ dungeons doesn’t have an endpoint if the pug group you are running with is bad.

You can say “Just do the dungeon Hwan!” while that could be true, however when your in a pug group with bads, you will be going through blood, sweat and tears to just to get to that endpoint and not many people including myself would rather just leave and move onto another group that will actually clear the dungeon.

Games like Dota has an endpoint and you can’t hold 4 other people hostage if you play bad, infact if you play bad, you will make the game end faster, doing the same thing in a M+ run in WoW will just make the run take longer. Leaver penalties make more sense in multiplayer competitive PvP games then M+ in WoW.

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There are tons of scarlet letters following you around in the stats page. Such as battlegrounds played and battlegrounds won. Im not seeing the harm.

To be fair I was against these. I think the whole rating system and whatever invites toxicity. What kind of player you are has some objective measures, but also a lot of subjective ones, and the numbers only measure one of these. Both are equally important.

The problem is Goodhart’s law: when a metric becomes a target it stops being a good metric. If stats start mattering players will change their behavior to influence them, even if it produces other negative effects. I don’t know if it’s still true but there was a time when RaiderIO would track completed dungeons (including overtime) but not failed dungeons. This led to claims on the forums that players were leaving dungeons that were nearly 95% complete but over time specifically so they wouldn’t have a failed dungeon on their record. Even if failed dungeons were also tracked that would likely lead to group leaders being a lot more picky about who they invite and enforce the standard that you can only get into content that you’ve already done.
It also begs the question if players could spam +2s to pad their stats. Or if success is tracked by dungeon level could someone end up blacklisted because their first several attempts to breach a new level ended poorly? Could someone spam an easy dungeon to pad their stats or are statistics tracked per dungeon?

There’s no way to differentiate that leaver from the one who saw the entire group doesn’t know mechanics, or the one who left at 2/4 completion because the clock ran out.

So no.

So… don’t track the only one you can measure? In my experience if you don’t have the former(objective) , you definitely don’t have the latter(subjective) . Whereas of you do have the former, there’s a higher chance that you have latter.

its impossible to do a penalty for people who leave in m+ without making it far more toxic. theres no way the game is going to be able to tell the difference between someone who left after a single wipe or someone who left after wiping to the first boss so much that the key is no longer able to be timed. ive left 1 key this season and that was because after wiping to the first boss 4 times in a row because the tank either got 1 shot or aimed a frontal at the healer it was no longer timeable and thus no longer a reason to want to stay since i was there for io and not crests or loot


Had a tank that was just ruthlessly shaming a mage in a 2 key the other day. One of the other DPS joined in. Mage wasn’t doing great but the key was rolling along just fine.

At some point the mage decided they’d had enough and left the dungeon. Can’t say I blame them.

Sweat-tank that was shaming someone over a 2 key says “oh well we can finish without them.”

So, I, the healer, went ahead and left as well. Key was just fine, attitudes were not, so I will definitely leave a good key if I don’t feel that the group deserves my time or effort based on their vibes alone.

The rage-rant from behind the ignore after dropping group confirmed that leaving was the right decision.

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Holy necro Batman !
No I don’t honestly just left a key earlier today because we wiped twice on The tree boss in AA

Some people just can’t do mechanics