Leaver penalty in M+

There’s only so many times your internet can go out or for your pet rock to die mid key before I start to not believe you

Even in other games frequent disconnects can get you restricted on joining matches because it ruins match quality for everybody around you.

In that case there would need to be a limit to the number of dungeons you can leave.
Leave 3 in the same day? 6 hours cooldown.

The actual number would be a topic that would get talked through a lot more in depth, probably over the course of a week or even a season.

Just as long as it doesn’t give you an actual counter of how many strikes you have and it doesn’t go back to zero on weekly reset so people can’t abuse that they can ditch two more keys cuz its monday lol

Rolling counters would probably work better in cases like these.

It’s not about resetting the count after the start of a new week or day. It’s about number of hits within the last x days

the consequences can slowly ramp up too. First you get the same cooldown that you get for leaving a heroic. Then its an hour or so. Then you’re in timeout for a day. Then a week.

And if they still don’t get the memo then their account could just sit out from keys for the season, if it somehow got to that.

That penalty already exists.

Everyone walks around with a social credit score-esc over their heads and a link to a website so you can view their successes and failures. If you refuse to use peoples m+ score to determine their viability then you are causing yourself this trouble ultimately.

That excuse changes by the moment and which audience you say it to at the time. Someone with IO that’s comparable or greater to yours isn’t a cure for someone having an attitude and leaving a run

Obviously don’t invite the 200 score bm hunter wearing questing greens to do a key, but I don’t think that’s what we’re talking about here.

You can see logs, keys finished, etc… If you want to go to that depth you can. I catch people all the time that got carried to a high score by guildies or friends. People that have 95% completion of keys for a role they didnt even sign up for etc…


In details and logs they can itemize exactly when someone’s play falls off. They then insinuated that anyone who does so must be trolling and should have their account revoked, no? Where am I being disingenuous? Some people might troll and int a key, but that also looks a lot like a low blood sugar, so the net being cast isn’t going to be able to differentiate between the 2, is it?

Would you be able to meet me halfway and say that its unreliable and cumbersome to have to use third party tools and websites to look players up before you play a video game to lessen the chance that they’re going to bail and waste your time because there’s no consequences to them doing that

just popping in again to remind everyone that m+ wasn’t designed for the pug experience. it was designed for organized groups.

start networking. join a community. join a guild. add people to your friend’s list.

pug less. have more control over who you group with. have a better experience.


Pugging should remain possible and the player experience can be improved

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Lies. Wow is totally built for pugging in mind. Been doing it for more than a decade.

They’re not wrong that M+ is not beginner friendly content and an uncoordinated group is not going to be pushing keys that are all that high

But I don’t like hearing “just stop pugging” because I don’t want the massively multiplayer game to devolve into “multiplayer game you only play when your friends are online” because blizzard doesn’t want to clean up the M+ environment

Would be literally impossible to make a leaver penalty that doesn’t catch innocent players in the crossfire, therefore it’s a hard no from me.


Why would it be impossible?

Rather, what is unique about world of warcraft to where they can’t replicate leaver penalties present in other games?

Those games catch people who disconnect as well.

A number of things. You are talking about content where you go in with an established group for PvE content. I cannot think of a single game that I have played where a pre-made group has penalties for leaving. Matchmade content, certainly. PvP? Well, you’ve just lost, which is the built-in consequence. But I sincerely do not know a single game that has a punishment for leaving a non-matchmade PvE mission/strike/raid/dungeon.

There is no way to dictate accidental vs intentional

No game is going to hire a group of people to comb through every log of every “reported” person to see if they’re purposely tanking a key.

Its like the auto flag feature here on the forums. People report me because they don’t like me, and EVERY post has been overturned and replaced to its origin.

You cant make a system that isnt going to have innocent people caught in it. You’ll be the first person whining, and the loudest, when your own system turns around and bites you

Who cares if the party was made manually vs whether it was matchmade? I don’t really see why that should make a difference and I feel like that’s just repeating the problem out loud of “its not currently against the rules so people can do it”

Raids can’t have the same restriction because otherwise guilds couldn’t swap people out or continue if someone couldn’t make it to the other raid night if they prog more than once that week.

With pvp, that’s also been a thing people complain about a lot where someone can dip out of a shuffle match midway through the set. I don’t pvp, so I dunno if that was ever resolved.

The makers of this game, destiny, halo…

That’s painfully obvious. Because one is a matchmade group of random players, another is a premade group of selected players where there is a leader who is in charge of assembling the group and has free reign to add or remove folks. They behave incredibly differently, have incredibly different systems at play in the background, and matchmade groups have a wider range of content that they can run.

It still happens, yeah. There is a deserter penalty and rating penalty, and it isn’t frequent, but it can happen. I don’t know how you would solve that either though.