Leaver penalty in M+

You can have that opinion if you want

No, here is the original statement:

And your reply:

You said a measurable drop in performance should result in someone’s account being taken away. I know it can be difficult to remember things that happened a day ago, but it’s all spelled out for you now.

You left out the rest of the context of that exchange after being corrected twice in a row so now you’re just lying

It ain’t an opinion homie. You’ve got bad takes, you’re getting called out for them, and now you’re deflecting with “u mad”.

Only people who do that are mad people with bad takes :smiley:

The only context of that exchange left out, is how you repeatedly were contradictory and didn’t know what you were talking about.

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hopping board topics to keep whinging at me makes them look a little too upset

I quoted your entire reply, brother. Any context missed is on you. Nice try, though. Honestly, it might be borderline discriminatory to imply I shouldn’t be allowed a WoW account because I was born with a chronic illness.

They never did that. Stop being disingenuous.

They’re already doing a poor job of arguing. You don’t need to get in their way with these tangents

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Three times you’ve lied about something you’ve been repeatedly corrected on.

They have almost caught up with you. Remember how you constantly lied about what I said?

Honestly their level of brain worms is pretty on track for how the rest of this thread has played out. They don’t stick out too much.

FFXIV has an in-game jail cell where GMs teleport naughty players.

M+ leavers should get ported into a similar cell in WoW where they have to wait until the group they recently abandoned finishes or leaves the key. Meanwhile, the rest of the party has the ability to release the trapped player back into the group through a vote.

Sort of joking. Sort of not.

I’d be game for this, as soon as they teleport every garbage player who ruins keys causing people to want to leave in the first place!

not using your interrupt? TO JAIL WITH YOU

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That would be hilarious

For real.

They have basically been advocating for reporting people bad at WoW already.

Lets step it up.

It’s a tangent and irrelevant to the discussion.

That said, while I do think there should be a report feature for gameplay sabotage in m+, once you start discussing punishments for actions taken in groups, you enter into touchy territory.

If someone suddenly leaves the group or disconnects from the dungeon, costing the group a key, I do agree they should be reported.

If a single account consistently gets reported from a variety of unique players, a trend can be established, and I do believe there should be punishment for that. Gameplay sabotage that’s consistent is unacceptable.

You can’t take away someone’s account.

The only feasible solution off the top of my head is to put a debuff on the player in which they’re unable to enter mythic difficulty dungeon content. Granted, for that to occur, an account would have to receive a substantial amount of reports. That, and blizzard would have to develop an objective method to filter through the reports. Like how to actually verify whether reports submitted are valid. What if a pug enters a group of four and says something entirely inoffensive, but the four other players report them for sabotage?

Sounds like a lot of effort for what would ultimately very likely become an abused system.

Alternatively, put the player on ignore, and keep getting better at the game so you get in better groups with players who are less likely to do that :smiley:

This is literally all I’ve ever been saying should happen because there’s zero rules behind ditching as many keys as you want and look how these utter specimens react.

They can make whatever number they want to automatically give you a timeout from lfg if you can’t stay in groups. It can even be kinda lenient, I’d take it.

As for manual reports, I have no confidence in blizzards report system as it is because its all automated and pretty lax about most things. You would have to be saying and doing some truly unhinged stuff to get suspended from this game lol

No it is not.

There will never be a penalty because the reasons for leaving are too many.
And they’re not all bad reasons, some are pretty good.


Yeah, arguments to the contrary like “well what if my house is on fire” are absurd and I have low confidence that people who use them are posting in good faith.

There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with arguing that gameplay sabotage should come with a punishment. Twisting that argument into “people who mess up one time deserve to get banned” is silly.

As a player, I can’t speak to someone else’s history. I won’t know if I happened to be the 1/100 dungeon that the player left the group. What I do know is that player left my group and I want to report them for doing so.

I’d leave it to blizzard to determine if a trend has been established or not where that’s concerned, and to apply a gradually increasing timeout as a result