Leaver penalty in M+

thats crazy i go to school right around there

live in bucks though, so bout an hour and a half or so away (depending on philly)
not to dox myself but i like to say i live in nj’s armpit

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To maximize Aug you need to understand how other classes CDs work.

Signing the firemage outside of combust is downright a waste almost.


Dude hats off man. It takes a lot to start a business but it sounds like you hit the ground running. As someone that hates McDonald’s breakfast I can’t say I blame you for maximizing in on that niche market window.

Sadly we have a ton of gas stations and wawa/Sheetz here.

But if I can support local I try to do so

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It’s a shame the whole deserter thing can’t be a more sophisticated system to provide more accurate penalties based on how often an account (yes account not single character) just bails on instanced content.

I don’t think the type of content should matter the only thing the system should consider is if it’s solo or not. Obviously it shouldn’t go against your account if you were solo in a dungeon got bored and left before finishing it.

However normal dungeons any key at all heroic mythic raids shouldn’t matter if it’s more than just you it counts.

So then the system should record on the offending account how often it leaves an instance over a span of time (let’s say 30 days). Then the more frequent the account drops the penalty increases over time .

Over time of not deserting instances your penalties lessen until eventually you have none.

You’re not entitled to my time.

My wife’s from NJ and calls it Taylor Ham (she’s North Jersey) so I call it pork roll just because it tilts her.

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If you know you know lol

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Yeah, no. The deserter debuff is for leaving groups made using random grouping tools made by Blizzard.

Yeah yes. I can type too!

Don’t get bent I don’t care that much about the topic but it comes up a lot so was just thinking out loud so to speak.

I mean you are pretty inflammatory in that response to Kiyoko who was just stating a fact in a very neutral way.

I know . I will think on it all night probably won’t sleep a wink.

I’m diabetic and I’ve gone low blood sugar in keys before. Kinda messed up you think I should have my account taken away because I accidentally took too much insulin and you think I ‘deliberately’ fell off.

Do you commonly fall out of your chair from taking insulin wrong, while making the two clicks necessary to leave party on the way down? Like multiple times in one week?

That sounds wacky bro. Kinda like you’re making things up.

That isn’t what you said. You said people who suddenly play markedly worse deserve to have their accounts taken away from them. If my blood sugar goes low I lose a lot of focus, and definitely play markedly worse. Especially when I get up from my chair to get a glucose tablet.

No actually I said people that frequently leave keys should have their accounts eventually taken away, and people said they’d just start trolling to run out the timer. And then I replied that its not that hard to tell if someone’s trolling most of the time.

You were wrong then. You are still wrong now.

Its ok. When one has no experience in what they are talking about, it happens.

You lamented others making things up. Then you proceeded to constantly make things up about others.

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I’m gonna let you continue to be mad

Is this 2005?

“U mad bro” hasnt won an internet argument in decades.

You seem the most mad

they should do m+ solo/duo queue based on rio score. U could choose random key from another player or yours. Then introduce penalties.