Leaver penalty in M+

Not sure which is worse, necroing a year old post or making yet another new one on the same topic.

In any case, you get a ribbon for Necro Lord of the Day. :ribbon:

In the best case scenario assuming they are buffing a good group, that is still pretty big difference.

Toss the world’s best aug in a group that is already struggling and you in for a bad time.

Breakfast sandwiches. Hearty ones…not the mcdonalds ones.

3oz of meat (ham, sausage, bacon)
Over medium egg
Slice of American cheese
Lettuce and tomato
Choice of bread (english muffin, everything bagel, sourdough, gluten free option)

My region is dominated by energy services (oil, gas, coal). They all deal with early hours/shift changd and aside from mcdonalds or gas station, we do not have anything of substance or anything good for the early riser or the late get off-er. So i run about 4am to 11am to get the thousands of shift workers coming in and out of town between 4-9am.

Then theres first responders (wife is a paramedic). 173 reviews, 4.9 stars :wink:

So sammich, 16oz drink (coffee, juice, russian tea) all for about $13.

Asked the wiffy if i could spend my savings (we keep our finances separate but together) to start this so i could spend more time at home with our newborn, and she said yes. Mid July to the end of the year and i made about 600k. So i expanded a little and kinda quickly and now im leveling out here for awhile to get a real handle on RoI and make a 10 yr plan based off of that.

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You just bring less damage compared to a normal dps. (cause group is already going to live supposedly.)

And the other two dps suck already, so it’s even worse.


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oh trust me, when i say bad augs, their dps contribution is the least of my worries

An aug can’t do that much to bring down a group though. Just by pressing ebon might, they’re making it easier to heal.

Eh, every aug ive ever invited has been looking for a carry. Not sure if its a hard spec to master, but i actively avoid them (also dont play at the levels where one is required)

heh, people invite me but my dps is likely abysmal. :smiley: Like 4k less mastery than other augs.



Semper Fi!

Even though Aug is hyper easy in 5mans, people can still play it poorly: never using the blask aspect, messing up and getting very short EMs, popping their cheat death and dying anyways, and I have even heard of one that refused to take breath of eons.

im talking no soothe, few stops, few defensives, eating many many swirlies bad.

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Not specced into breath of eons? hm.

Are you on the east coast? You know about the HOBO?

Taylor Ham (regular ham works too), double egg, cheese, home fries or hash brown in a Bagel or Roll.

BOBO just replaces the ham with bacon.

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Midwest. That sounds intense though haha

breakfast of champions, make urself one. I don’t think it will disappoint. I personally like to throw in some hot sauce.

SOBO is with a breakfast sausage patty.

never heard of them, are they new york things? not a sandwich expert though

Yeah, more NJ than NY though. Taylor Ham is pretty much a NJ thing.

yeah i recognize taylor ham, from pa but live on the border and went to hs in nj.

i figure theyre north jersey, not super familiar with that part

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Got friends that moved to NJ from Sharon Hill