Leaver penalty in M+

I did. The motivation at the time was wrong but I’m glad I have it now.

I was pushing really really hard for an athletic scholarship before a bad injury my senior year so at the time I hated anything that pulled focus from that.

I’m over here not using any sun tan lotion and tanning naturally lol.

Kind of always had one, but ive got like 8 alts i focus on…so the paladin is still like 485 ilvl and 1k io >.<

Started my own business. Its summer time and i do not have an adequate AC and im in a metal box a lot of the time going into summer…i can imagine all too well lol

Yeah normally S2 and S4 i drop off pretty hard for the same reason.

This is huge. Even if you didnt enjoy the journey, the outcome is amazing

Very nice. I ended up losing motivation at Life. Just couldnt care about that final community service project part.

Pretty sure my troop ended up getting disbanded due to some bad things.


But like, our scout leader would schedule camp outs with other troops. And we’d end up having full boxing tournaments against other troops. People would go home with black eyes and concussions. The axe throwing contests. Not hatchets. But full axes.

I’m a commercial plumber by trade but the company I work for is 80% hvac so when we get slow plumbing wise I help out with repairs/maintenances

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yeah s1 is the only season i played in earnest
s2 i got portals and then enjoyed the summer

and then s3 rolled around and i played a bit in the winter before losing motivation. got a tiny chunk of score at the end

ironically i stopped at the exact same io i got burnout in s3. wonder if ill attempt the last little push again

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DF 5 mans are so awful. TWW ones look like bangers at least.

Yeah my motivation was to get out and the only reason I can say I did it at the time.

Man we use to Swiss miss powder and throw it on the camp stoves to start fires.

We had this kid that was a snitch who got duck taped to his cot and put upright in the Latrine

Lots of fun stuff.


i dont have beta because undecided if i’m gonna play tww. havent seen any content yet.
hoping for the best

For me, Beta hasnt seen shaman yet.

YouTube them. Very good looking.

I opened a food truck last year. Since then ive gained another food truck in another town over (well food trailers), and snagged a commercial spot in a newer strip building on the other side of town, so ive got the 2 major traffic points covered.

Its been a wild year to say the least.

I like them. The interaction and mechanics in the dungeons are a welcomed change

The nerubian focus has me excited. I havent seen any other content yet either (i famously roll with the punches).

Fantasy style “underdark” theme gets a :+1: from me.

theyre pretty mixed for me. the only one i really dislike is uldaman. not crazy about hoi or nelth.

Dude rock on. What type of food? We do work for a building called chef suite that has 20 little units for food trucks to have an office space. They rent out the space and can set their hours. People just come up and order through a touch screen and it’s made just like that.

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Nah, we don’t need that. People leaving over a single wipe are rare. Definitely rare enough to not need to change the system. And if this is happening to you a lot, maybe you need to look inward.

Agreed. Nelth is fine, people just dont do the chains well. Life would be so much easier if they’d give up DPS for 5 seconds just to position better

rlp? i quite like it, only issue is that the ring feels a bit repetitive.

my issue with nelth is that the chains went through too many iterations. and chargath was broken for an unacceptable length of time. and the hunters, oh god the hunters.

rest of the dungeon is pretty good. last boss is weird, charge treasure was “fun.”

I’ll give you the honor of playing with me as augmentation.

I’ve only timed two keys - a 15 and a 16.

Key has to be above a 10.

And key must be provided.

honestly the amount of absolutely useless waste of a dps slot augs ive seen you’d probably be comparatively incredible

actually, being useless as an aug is a compliment at this point. idk how they manage to brick keys, but they do.

Augs do like 30% less dps than a normal dps. (Or enough to be felt.)

They do bring utility though.