Leaver penalty in M+

You could have saved time and just married your sister. Tbh you aren’t missing anything, season is boring.


I can be pretty abrasive lol

I am relatively better smelling than that, so I know that’s not what they mean

Congrats man. I hope that means the wife is doing better.

My wife and I celebrated 7 years June 3rd. We’re actually going to a waterfall tomorrow to celebrate.


So can I. Like really abrasive. There is a difference between ‘abrasive’ and ‘this game is my life’.

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I consider myself “non sugarcoater of feelings”


Congratulations to the four of you.

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Perfectly cromulent approach. Bonus points for people that get it.

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I also have a lot of down time at work.

I quoted a flame rod repair for 3 hours. Had it finished in 45 so got to chill for 2 hours before writing a ticket.

Gratz to you as well! Im a nature lover, lots of hiking and backpacking. If you need some beautiful scenery to visit, let me know! Haha

Ridges in plate armor will do that. Thats why im.a bear :wink:

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Didn’t you start a pally tank alt. One of us.

Never been a fan of the outdoors due to being forced into boyscouts. Now that I work in the heat the last place I want to relax is in the heat lol.

Just imagine the sweat smell of wearing plate armor in the heat.

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half the reason why i cant really play wow into the summer is that i like being outside when the weathers nice. just bask in the sun like a plant

sun doesnt like me as much. just enough irish in me to occasionally burn to a crisp

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The wording here lmao.

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This is my wife in a massive nutshell. She burns at the slightest sun. I tan very easily

She hates it lol

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see i did girl scouts and idk if it was just my troop but we hardly went outside
i didnt like it very much

making monkey bread was fun though

wouldnt say i tan or burn easily, but when i do burn its in the most inconvenient place and kind of bad. never blister or sun poisoning though.

last time i went to the beach only the tops of my feet and kneecaps burnt. not fun.
my friend will somehow pick up a sunburn through clothes, an umbrella, and spf 50+ frequently reapplied so i guess im lucky

Yeah my parents basically told me if I wanted to quit I had to make Eagle Scout.

Camping once a month really messed with travel sports. I hated it.

Did you make Eagle Scout? Quite an accomplishment!

This is me. Doesnt matter what I do. Its like I can last exactly 49 minutes. Once the 50th minute hits, doesnt matter the sunblock, etc I use.

I am a lobster.

The only fun part is how my facial hair goes from dark brown to a fairly strong red the more I am out in the sun.

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i get blonder

i can try to tan for the entire summer and end up exactly one shade darker after a couple scalp and armpit burns. my skin either rejects the sun altogether or i pay the price

envy the people who just passively tan. people think im deadly ill when im pale because i have very yellow/greenish undertones, bad undereye circles, and prominent cheekbones. tan mitigates that