Leaver penalty in M+

oh yeah every leaver penalty topic gets detonated by fauxtrasza and sosari because they ditch every key that isn’t a flawless run. I saw their type everywhere.

thread was derailed long ago

These two posters are nothing alike lmao.

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Thank god, one of them is more than enough

ive seen some takes in the hunter forums so bad i could feel my brain melt out through my ears


I’ve actually never been the one to leave a run first, but go on.

Lets start a key, you can leave first so we can experience what it would be like to be on a horse so high you need to be penalized

dream team of my resto shaman, he’s on shadow priest, and fauxtrasza can be devoker or aug

it would be amazing content

Only if the same penalty can be applied to people who don’t do enough dps, hps or tank the mobs properly.

Also a penalty for people who don’t enchant their gear or use consumables.

And of course the same penalty for people that don’t do the mechanics and die, or kill someone else. Didn’t use your kick once? Penalty. Didn’t cc or dispel etc the ghost affix?

If people leave keys there is usually a reason. Nobody wants their time wasted.

Leaver topics are just repeating the same thing, there is no solution besides running with better players or people you know and even then you cannot create a flawless environment. Even with a push group, people will have bricked and incomplete keys, that is the nature of the push. All I got from the past hour in this topic was a back and forth mudslinging of people acting like children.

I tried to pick this guy Grizzle one time. He just has an awful schedule :joy:


oh goody ill get on my bear

hope int gear is okay

I’ll run agi gear. Dodge chance or something lets go.

Because it’s a terrible topic made by either trolls or terrible players. In this case you’re both.


All I picture when you post is that sha face just garbling angry stuff

I mean the dragon comes off like a super failure in life that has made this game his entire personality and sense of self worth.

Sosari has never struck me like that. I have one muted and one not, and I mute fast.


Ehh everytime you post I just picture a glad bag

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The really good forceflex ones?

Ive run like 5 keys in the last 3 weeks. Im sorry! Lol i got married this last weekend and my sister gets married this weekend haha

And the one thing they dont realize, because they do not play at that level, is that once you break gear reward level, score is the only thing youre going for.

If youre not gonna increase your io, any time spent past that point is wasted time.

Not to mention at those levels, people have no issues calling a key and restarting. Are we to punish people who are all in accord with one another? Whos the one who takes the punishment for a unanimous agreement?

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Nah the bad ones that rip and get holes in them at the slightest circle.

are those the bags that are scented to suppress the trash odor but just end up making your trash smell like trash with laundry sheets

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