Leaver penalty in M+

You actually don’t. You have zero understanding when you get soft boosted to 2k


According to who? You?

According to all of us who actually play the content.


According to everyone else here that doesn’t share your delusions of grandeur.

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Who cares what some random paladin thinks about the game lol

I haven’t seen you make a single take about the game ever. Its always an ego post talking about a run you did the other day.

has said multiple times I’m fine with not pushing score past 2k

delusions of grandeur

bros just yapping about whatever again

That’s because the forums doesn’t care about good takes. It’s the same trolls who keep making these bad takes that get traffic. No one in GD actually cares about making the game better. They just want to be the vocal minority.


that actually explains a lot about how you behave lol

I don’t think this is the solution. Blizzard should just remove the penalty for not completing the key, no reason it should be knocked down a level. It’s a dumb system to punish the key holder for the bad behavior of others. I mean they already lost a bunch of time making the group and and running the dungeon, no reason to make them be punished twice by having to do it all over again just to get the key back to the level it was before.

The fact that you lack any modicum of self awareness is sad, because people like you are the family member, friend, and coworker that no one can stand but thinks everyone loves them/constantly wants to know their opinion.


Saw a thread in the DK forum to turn Unholy into a healer spec. So yeah, forum is full of really dumb people and dumb takes.


You see how you claim I don’t have my own takes, so I post them, and your response completely dodges it.

That’s it! That is the perfect description.

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that’s a riveting story that you made up on the spot

You’re proving my point.

We already established the forum doesn’t like good points. He has a lotta score, so what he says is true.

OPs problem could be solved by picking better group mates. But no one wants to play with someone who claims to know the ins and outs of the game but has only played the tutorial

End of discussion

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You know, I have no idea what you are going on about but my simple suggestion is to step away from the topic.

It is perfectly fine to have your own goals and achieving them but this back and forth isn’t helping.

Let the boy watch.

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What I say isn’t true because of my score. I have had bad takes before, but the difference from you and I is that I know when to take a step back from it.

My score helps me understand the content in ways you just can’t comprehend. It’s just the simple facts. Score = experience.