Leaver penalty in M+

Hey you’re talking to the 9th best shaman healer on rexxar, watch your mouth.

Its a very deep pool of like 39 people.

It would help. Do not be discouraged. Ive raided top ten in the world and now I struggle with CE. Still I plan to raise to where I was again. The best climbers know how to fall.

It is pretty lame if someone leaves a key that is going well, or if someone joins a key they are not ready for, dies and leaves. However things happen, there’s no reason to get bent out of shape about it.

Sometimes they are justified in leaving, sometimes they were just trolling the key, sometimes something beyond their control happened like a power or internet outage, there are so many variables in play that a punishment system cannot really be implemented because then you go back to groups trying to hold people hostage until it was completed or try and get other people to leave to have them penalized instead.

He had to have been somewhere to fall in the first place.

Was it because I said the word “pupset” is that what the dealbreaker between us was?

I don’t do free carries.

Want me to come blast some keys? My 515 hunter needs crests?

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No amount of biscuits would make me put up with you fool

Could be but we all started somewhere. I still remember my old days before the majority of my guild was banned… we were trolls and thugs and blizz gave us the tools to our own destruction…

Perhaps this will be their spark? If they truely learn and heed the call of " git gud" there is no telling where they will go

In actually a pretty nice guy. I just don’t carry bad players like yourself for free.

Speaking of biscuits, my wife is making homemade Cheddar Bay Biscuits and fish tonight. Kinda looking forward to it.

I’m not really motivated to push past 2k

portals don’t entice me and score is just ego

Yes, we all started somewhere, but we weren’t arrogant and doubled down on arguing with everyone like he is. He doesn’t know how to take the L. Everything is someone or something else’s fault.

I mean if you don’t constantly improve you get worse. Goes for anything in life. Atrophy is the enemy

The reward isn’t good enough. Who am I trying to impress? Its a game.

It’s not about impressing anyone. It’s about you acting like you know what you are talking about when you don’t. You have a habitual pattern of blaming every external factor for your difficulties.

You’ve spent how many hours arguing from a position of ignorance? Ego is everything to you lol.

You just know you can’t actually heal a 10, let alone a 6.


I’m not an authority, but I understand the game well enough to make takes on it. I get you don’t like them, and that’s too bad. I’m gonna keep making them and I’m gonna let you get upset at them

Maybe if you keep linking my warcraft logs it’ll…do something I guess

There you go again. No you don’t. Textbook ignorance. You think you do, but you don’t because you don’t know what you don’t know.

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I can understand your words but not your meaning… I fear our views are so alien that im unable to understand. To push oneself is the goal of everything in life. I have no interest in mythic plus but I had to grow so I became a elite in pvp…

You’ve proven that you are not at all knowledgeable or understanding of the game or mythic plus dungeons.