Leaver penalty in M+

Talking about how he’s letting people die in 5s and below because he doesn’t know how to heal, yet he’s accusing people of buying carries in real keys that have CE lmao.

I think the parses show why he has issues with leavers. I’d leave too if my healer couldn’t keep me alive from unavoidable DMG/rot in rat keys.

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you’re right I should heal better to stop a mage getting one shot on forgemaster my bad bro

This thread is taking a turn for the better!

you freakin talk back to anyone on here and they’re like gimme those logs I need to know if your number is higher than mine to soothe the ego

It’s okay, everyone was as bad as you once.

The only difference is that those people didn’t argue with good players with less terrible takes about things they don’t understand.

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Ok but this is not a good example though.

Dota has an endpoint and your teammate cannot hold you hostage if you happen to be on the same team as him, the other team will push in and win the game and no matter how hard that teammate you have tries to hold you hostage, he will be in a lose lose situation always.

WoW M+ does have an endpoint… however the said endpoint requires you to clear the dungeon to end the run, if your group is bad, you will going through Blood, sweat and tears to get it or you just wont get to it at all.

Adding leaver penalty will end up doing more harm then good in WoW M+ more then Dota, League or Overwatch, because of it doing more harm then good, you will end up punishing the innocent players who wish to leave the run because the group they are in are bad and they would rather spend their time elsewhere then just wiping constantly and going nowhere and this willl end up killing M+ pugging because not every M+ pug is good, there is going to be bad groups here and there and if you happen to be in a bad group, you are being held hostage or forced to do it because if you leave you will be penalized.

You haven’t said anything to me that makes you seem good at the game lol

Well those games have a lot of contention around surrendering and leaving as well, especially in games like league where if someone wants to get out of the match and the surrender vote doesn’t go their way they can just feed and play bad. The person that wants to lose has more control over the game than the people that are trying to win.

Wow is unique in the way that a whole key can go off with nobody saying a word to each other. No interaction or communication is required to complete or disband.

This part is the most frustrating when bads come here and argue with people who actually know the content at high levels.

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I mean people see a problem and they fix it. If you wanna make the world a better place the first thing you gotta do is look inside yourself and change some thing for the better.

Its simple I just need bigger number and then I can finally tell sosari to shut up

who wants to run M+ with me

Good luck when you were crying about +3s

Literally no one, that’s why you’re having issues with leavers.


I wouldn’t want to run with you, based on your behavior.

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I’m crying for the poor mages who can’t find a single one of their four defensive buttons

Lmao savage but true.

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You were crying when we told you to run higher keys in the other thread if you wanted to play with better players. Then you started arguing about how anything higher is “too stressful”.

i love the forums

I actually haven’t had a consistent issue with leavers as soon as I started doing 5’s. Does depend on the dungeon though.

you’re still pupset I called you a yapper

Which is still ironic when you argue with 10 different people no matter where you go.