Learning to Tank is so much nicer in FF14

Did they report it?


I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking. Maybe they’re still reading the thread.

Somehow I doubt some of them are true, just people who wanna give ff14 a bad rep and keep people from switching over. I’ve never been kicked out of a dungeon, always been positive.


I don’t know if people reported them, I don’t know if people got banned.
I don’t know if the story is even genuine.
It is something I have never experienced myself, to be kicked for going the wrong way, or for making a minor mistake.

Well my point is if these FF14 promoters get their wish and convert people from WoW to FF14, will it remain positive?

p.s. I don’t expect you guys to know the answer but it’s something I wonder about every time I see this type of thread.

Most likely yes.
The bad ones will be filtered out and banned quickly, the rest will be positively reinforced.


That’s true 100%. They will get in touch with you and deal with the problematic players if found to be in the wrong.

Yes because the ones who refuse to change their ways will be suspended or banned eventually. Also toxicness thrives only in a community where said toxic behavior is allowed to exist. In a place where it isn’t, you’ll change with it.


Well, the ban hammer, swift and merciless though it may be, all knowing it is not.

I mean, I’ve kicked people from dungeons. 99% of the time it’s because they dced or went afk randomly for more then 10 minutes. The other 1% are people who afk at the entrance to the praetorium like the rest of the party is supposed do it without them and they get the xp for doing nothing.


Idk how kicks work in FFXIV but in wow they are a group decision and if the group decides they don’t want you there then :man_shrugging: 0 reason (in wow) for a suspension to occur.

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Well yes its ok to kick someone who’s afk for a while or dcd, that’s a legit reason. I’ve votekicked on people who were dc’d over 5minutes, and that’s because others initiated it. But they still waited at least 5 minutes which was insanely awesome. As for praetorium I’ve never had anyone go afk.

I’ve never had to report players thankfully, but it depends on the reason you were kicked. The gms do a full investigation, look at chat logs, ect. They determine if the reason for your kicking was really toxic or if you were being toxic and then you get in trouble. They do their best to make a fair judgement and make sure the reporter isn’t a toxic player too and doing fraud reports.

Kicks in FFXIV dungeons are also a group decisions, but unlike wow where you can freeform the reason, you only get a few options to choose from when kicking someone.

I’ve seen it a few times. They’ll sit afk at the start and no one will bother for awhile. Usually if they haven’t started running or said something by Gaius, they’ll get kicked.

So if someone gets kicked for going the wrong way, accidently pulling too many mobs, underperforming … SE will give “the ban hammer” to the kickers?

Exactly, but dungeons aren’t like M+ there, they are made to be doable wether its a player’s first time or 100th time but they are doing it as a job they aren’t good with yet.

They do of course have higher difficulties of said dungeons the way we have normal/heroic/mythic, but all can be que’d for and have min ilvl req the higher it goes so you’ll at least meet the ilvl gear check.


For how long?

That’s something you’d have to ask someone who actually got suspended multiple times.

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I’d rather have wows system :laughing:

But I don’t kick people anyways, if I’m unhappy with how you’re playing I deuce :v:

Self kick gg


I wonder if you can vote kick yourself, I’ll have to try that some time

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Yeah… same here.

I’ve only ever reported a player once in FFXIV.

So I was doing a leveling roulette leveling up paladin I think it was, it was that or warrior, either way I was tanking and only about level 30ish. Got Brayflox’s Longstop. Sweet, potential gear upgrades. Every boss dropped tank gear which is better than what I had. So I needed on all of it.

On the last boss, dropped more tank gear, needed on it, 2 of the party members left, the last one stood there not saying or doing anything and not rolling on the item. Because of how loot rules work in random parties in FFXIV, you can’t roll need on items that your current class can’t use. So after the loot timer, timed out and the game auto greeded their roll and I got the item because of need, they decided to tell me that they only didn’t roll because they wanted to waste my time because I was being greedy.

So I reported them. Was contacted by a GM about an hour later. What happened to the person, I do not know.


I’ve had a few of those loot goblins, as I call them(Diablo 3 reference). I just watch youtube videos until timer is done and move on. Jokes on them.

I mean, if they didn’t say anything and had just left after the loot timer was up, I wouldn’t have cared. It was the fact that they had to tell me they were intentionally wasting my time that made me want to get a GM to waste theirs.