Learning to Tank is so much nicer in FF14

Learning to tank in WoW is torture. People just have ZERO patience for any tank that doesn’t know the mechanics of every single boss, the optimal route of all 1000 dungeons in the game, loses threat even once, or heaven forbid doesn’t move at the “gogogogo” pace WoW players have grown accustomed too.

Learning to tank in FF14 is so much nicer. People have patience, people offer to explain mechanics if you don’t know, and nobody is trying to rush you to go as fast as possible.

WoW should do more to help train tanks.


FF14 is slower than WoW.

Also the chat in FF14 is not as user-friendly as WoW, so people talk less. Therefore they complain less.


Not user friendly?
It’s the same chat system as WoW minus the addons


Trial players can’t chat in FF14.


I guess that’s a slight difference then

your lying just cause you had one group with patience so many have admitted in FF they just want to fly thru dungeons just like wow.


That’s not lying if that’s what they experienced in the game lol



I got kicked from a group in FFXIV in that dragon dungeon. I went the wrong way when we were coming back from a wipe and died again. They kicked me from the group.


Go with friends. Problem solved.

If you like FF that’s great. But these threads need to stop.


I’ve had more unhinged people in FF14 than I ever have in WoW, had someone basically throw a tantrum cause I wasn’t commanding my pet properly (As a summoner) and I was testing the class out after a long break.

Just sat at the boss we just cleared whispering me and not doing anything the rest of the run, and we didn’t even fail.


They don’t actually.
It’s great people are having fun playing video games and as this is a general discussion forum, anything is allowed.


Been playing FFXIV for 4 years now, never once seen anyone complain when the tank isn’t doing big pulls.

I’ve had the opposite experience. Very rarely do I find someone ‘unhinged’ in FFXIV, where as it’s far more common to see in wow.


Wrong again. As usual. Looks like ignore didn’t work.

This is WoW GD. About WoW. He brought up WoW. So that’s not even part of the argument here.

How about you understand what’s being said before you comment?


Oh you poor poor potato.
A general discussion is an open forum to discuss any and all topics.
People are free to discuss FFXIV here all they want.
You are free not to read it and to leave.

Buh bye now.

Oh by the way.

I’m still waiting for any evidence you and your lackey have to support your position in the other thread. Evidence. Not emotions and opinion.

I know you have neither and that’s okay, you never knew what you were talking about anyway.


Good luck trying to get people to stop what threads they can post in wow general, you’re going to be telling people to stop for an eternity.


No it’s not. It’s just as fast if not faster if you PLAY correctly.

Also, it’s the exact same with chat. Some don’t talk because they are on ps4 and have to use a controller. Get a full pc group and you will get some chat.


I never told anyone what they could post. I gave my opinion that these FF vs WoW threads need to stop. It’s getting old.

People can play whatever they want and most people play more than one game. No one is married to one or the other, but these threads always end up as a which one is better, black and white, rant without anything constructive.

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they do rush thru dungeons there i been playing quite awhile there one good thing about wow old content ain’t relevant yay. dumbest thing ever i want new exciting stuff not dungeons i did 1000 times trotting along like i got all day. if you don’t think they don’t idk. cause i know many who do. when your playing tons of alts in wow trying to get stuff done i’m sorry people are in a hurry but crap takes to much time sometimes.

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There you go.


I mean he was literally talking about a positive experience and then you and the other potato had to come in and make it about your opinions.