Learning to Tank is so much nicer in FF14

Japanese or Us players?

I feel like this is a BIG factor. Don’t want WoW “GoGoGo!” folks to ruin the fun until they at least pay for the game.

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If you’re talking to me, then I’m referring to US players (and maybe some OCE) in FF14, and a mix of OCE and US in WoW.

hm…It might be the nature of the contents. FF14 focus on casual contents so there’s actually no stress at all for playing it. It attracts people who are more laid back.

Except, Savage raids and Ultimate raids.


Player attitude in WoW is why I’ve most often been a DPS and not anything else. I always found it stressful, and a game (yes even WoW) should be the furthest thing from stressful.

I’ve had my eye on guardian druid recently, ever since I saw their awesomeness first-hand in a recent Tazavesh run. I do like the near-instant queues too. But the other people are what has held me back from tanking long-term.


I’ve done tanking. not in raids or anything. but it is stressful. I am learning you always find some dps or healer who will run ahead. pull. and run back… i dance… Probably passive aggressive. Let them complain. call you names and curse… the report function does work. next dungeon is instant for me… 15mins -3 hours for them.
I can’t do stress. why I remained out of a guild for nearly 3 years.

Most who have actually played it passed ARR know this to be true.

I’ve seen one jerk so far… literally just one. Though I’ve only been playing for about 6 months.


@Michar, do you do LFR or pug raids/mythic plus at all? If you do, what was/is your experience there? Probably silly to ask (I just noticed you’re level 56), but if you have alts who can do those activities…

Free trial players can use the say and party chat so that is incorrect. Also the combat is much faster and rotations much more complex.

Isn’t it amazing how almost every person that cites the same canned arguments against the game makes it also clear they never played past 30? Reminds me of the one dude who said he “Raided Savage as a Ninja main and the job was so easy with WoW rogue being much harder” and when I pressed him on just giving me the default rotation he didn’t know more than four ability names or said that “Huton was passively on you as a Ninja.” Or that “Trick Attack is useless because you only get it once a fight and need to stealth to the boss” because I guess Suiton didn’t exist to him.



Hell, I have ninja at max level and I couldn’t tell you what all the ninjustus do let alone what their names are. Though to be fair, I’m a BRD main not a NIN main.

I bought FF last night directly from Square Enix, the Windows version, then went to bed. Today I spent 6+ hours trying to figure out how to install it.

That was stupid beyond belief.

Here’s why.

If you used a free trial through Steam, as I did about a year ago and forgot, then you have to buy the game through Steam and use Steam along with SE to dl and install it.

So I’m out the money I spent on the direct from SE version for Windows.
I tried to just use it through Steam’s library but it wouldn’t work, finally gave up and just bought it again.

It was so annoying. So here’s my warning for you and anyone else using the free trial.

If you used Steam for the free trial then you’ll have to use Steam always for FF.
If you used the Square Enix direct site for the free trial, then you’re good to go, it’s better to do it that way because that’s where you’ll get the good sales.

Steam sucks imo but what sucks worse is the fact that I couldn’t just delete and uninstall Steam, accounts, everything and begin again direct with SE.

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I’ve used steam for FFXIV since I started with it, I haven’t had those issues. I have heard a lot of people say that buying/installing FFXIV is the worst part of the FFXIV experience, so sorry it sucked for you.

Here is hoping you have a good experience with the actual game.

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If all you FF14 promoters get your wish and convert people from WoW to there, wouldn’t the toxic people that were mean to you in WoW start being mean to you in FF14?


What a horrifying thought!

One would hope not. From what I’ve been told, FF14 staff/devs/whomever don’t tolerate belligerent nonsense!


No, because they’d be banned for their bad behavior fairly quickly if they started treating people in FFXIV the way they do in WoW.


Extreme, savage and ultimate raids are my bread and butter.

But sometimes I just can not help spending hours in The Golden Saucer. Gotta win those chocobo races!


I’m trying to breed the perfect grade 9 race chocobo. It’s such a pain.

The current FF14 community would help filtering out the bad from those who are willing to learn how to conduct themselves properly in an MMORPG. The banhammer in FFXIV is swift and merciless.

A sprout, first time offender, received a 20 days ban for naming his FC (Guild) Cosby Klan.


Well, in this thread alone we had a few people say they got kicked from a FF dungeon for making harmless mistakes. Did the staff do anything about that?