Your so used to toxic culture of this game, you’ve forgotten what a clean community is like. It’s ok I can see why you disagree.
Nice try at twisting my words around.
WoW is a disjointed mess of zones lacking coherence, the dev team throwing noodles at the wall to see what sticks.
Meanwhile, XIV knows what works, and stays to that, giving a nice consistent experience throughout the entire game. XIV knows its past content is still good later (other than a few tweaks a little here-and-there). WoW knows its content is so bad that it sweeps it under the rug anytime a new expansion is released, they want you to forget about all the past mistakes while they make more mistakes.
Great example of this is Eureka and it’s spin off Bozja/Zadnor. I loved my experience more in Bozja then Eureka and glad they took the positives and left behind the negatives of Eureka to be what the amazing bozja instance is.
No content in ffxiv is difficult. It’s essentially horizontal progression & you quickly hit a plateau, making the “end game” very dull. Ffxiv have been crying about this for years. Just cause some random (you) is crying on wow forums about ffxiv doesn’t make your statements accurate haha.
I doubt you’ve attempted ultimate raids to say that, or even savage raids at that.
Only a few people in the XIV community are “crying” about that. Only some tryhards that want to bring WoW to XIV, former WoW players who wish WoW was still as good as XIV, so they ask for M+ and Mythic Raids in XIV while forgetting that XIV is awesome because it has such a wide variety of content aimed at the 90% of the playerbase rather than trying to cater to such a small crowd.
Said people are usually made fun of and laughed at over in XIV community.
Again incorrect. I realize you are new to ffxiv but for years players yelled about all of these things. The first ffxiv hype train was about 4 years ago, you’re late. Players begged for some sort of open world/ dueling area and were universally demoralized by the disaster that was put in lol. “The wolve’s den”. Name 1 mmo with worst pvp than ffxiv.
I’ve been playing XIV since ARR 2.0, taking one hiatus just before Heavensward.
The general community does not care about PvP wannabes and tryhards that whine about raids, in fact most players don’t really care about Savage raiding, and even less so are the players who care about Ultimates.
The number of people who actually care about that stuff is such a tiny part of the community that such whining is only found in small pockets of the game. The other 95%+ of the players are happily playing and loving the game.
No. You can still find the endless forum posts asking for more pvp content. Errr “any” pvp content. Facts are not your Forte. Or you would know the universal gripes from community. Professions ok. End game awful, no difficult content, Essentially horizontal progression… Horrible pvp. Horrible Chat and UI. Invisible borders everywhere. Poorly translated English text via everything with no voice over work. It goes on and on.
Really, now?
If you knew anything about XIV, you’d know that the localization is one of the things that is highly praised by many players, in global chat channels and on the forums, and on every single XIV Discord I’ve ever been on.
“Horrible Chat”? It’s exactly the same as WoW’s chat.
The UI? It’s praised as being so highly configurable without needing AddOns to accomplish basic things like moving elements around.
Invisible Borders? I’ve never heard anyone complaining about this, ever. Not in any chat channels in the game (NN, or either of the linkshells I’m in) nor on the forums.
Endgame Awful? Who the frick ever said that? I always find people loving the lack of RNG and gambling.
Customization of the UI is built in into the FFXIV engine, you need third party add ons in WOW to even get to that same level of customization.
Professions are also their own content, a thousand times more effort put into them than in WOW and they have their own story lines.
This is not secret information.
Again no lol. This is all well documented. Your opinon is the vast minority and that is why ffxiv player base is so low. Albeit a surge from asmongold’s stream.
But when it comes to end game progression, gear progression, rated competitive pvp, actual difficult content ect ect. Wow is still king. Not to mention the endless sites that follow wow and provide detailed guides. Updated pvp and progression brackets. But if you want a casual essentially anime experience then choose ffxiv.
No this is not an accurate assessment. The customization with addons is immense on wow. The most odd thing of all is why are all of you here? When you’re apparently so obsessed with ffxiv.
You can log in game and see it for yourself…And you seem eager to draw assumptions without anything to back it up. This is basic information about the game. Log in WOW and then log in FFXIV and compare the customization of the HUD and UI.
Like the vast majority of people in ffxiv I did all of it. The endgame content is a joke. It’s very casual. Very minimal effort needed.
Sure, you did. And I assume that success is reflected on your WOW account too?
The question still stands. Why are you here if you’re so obsessed with ffxiv. Why would someone so adorned with one mmo…be on another mmo’s forums singing its praises daily. I can tell by looking at your account that you 100% bought carries. So why would you be boasting of ffxiv when buying SoD carries on wow? It’s all very odd.
I honestly doubt you did ultimate raids but…what’s your character on there?
I play both games nothing odd about that but I don’t draw assumptions. A lot of this stuff is basic information and easily accessible. Doesn’t even take minutes for anybody to see with their own eyes some of the things you said is simply not true.
Contradiction much? You bought carries on tich. That took me 30 sec to find out. Think about that bud. You’re on wow buying carries, only 216 Ilvl and you’re praising ffxiv. It’s so strange haha.