WoW use to have a solo scenario in MoP that went over those roles for you. It even carried over into WOD, but then puff! Gone. I noticed in FF that there’s a very low level quest that you obtain around the level of your first dungeon that goes over the basics with you. I can’t believe Blizzard implemented this in MOP content but not low levels and just kept it as part of the requirements to even queue into dungeon finder from level 16. It only proves that Blizzard doesn’t care about the game as a whole but only the current expansion.
Don’t give me that island of expedition crap either. That story was so boring and dreadful. My friend tried WoW and I went with him through it and he couldn’t believe how boring and all I could go was make up excuses that IE wasn’t the real game.
We did it in the first patch of shadowbringers, but it was still very hard and we used the drop-off DPS strat to avoid dps mechanics in the final form omega phase. The hardest part was the first phase mechanic where you had to have everyone in pairs move to the side of the platforms then get hit by charge and switch with other person…took a while to get everyone on the same page.
I have to admit that FF leveling dungeons at least are done at a far faster pace then in wow and it seems very common place for dps or the healer to pull more.
I find tanking in wow to be easier because you have more detailed guides and timers to tell you when your going to be receiving large amounts of damage. In FF I just kind of had to take a guess. That and the pause between ability telegraphs and when the damage goes out really messes with trying to time any ability.
Well there’s still Ozma mount. You can’t overlevel/overgear that, took me a few runs to not die but I got it, since its a personal achievement mount and the death penalty in there.
yes they are, I’ll break it down:
Toxicity is bad in any game ever. it’s further enhanced by missing key timing so people get pissed off and mad slowly with every failed key.
Dungeons are being designed, NOT for the gamers/players anymore, but for the e-sports scene and nothing else. This is not ok.
Gogogo mentality can get people killed. I’m not saying pull 1 pack at a time, but don’t try to pull the whole dungeon and get mad when people die and healer can’t keep up(not referring to you, just a statement). New players get left behind in dungeons and lost and kicked. I was a victim of this when I was new in wailing caverns. I was kicked after they rushed it and left me behind and no one bothered to ask if I new or help me.
Yes but they don’t hit as hard as raid bosses do so you wouldn’t notice it unless the tank was an undergeared alt or new. A geared tank who’s scaled down shrugs it off.
Oh right, I do faintly remember often using shield of rightousness back in Legion when playing paladin, and gearing - enchanting to keep the upkeep as close to 100% as possible.
Brewmaster monk also had something akin to it, it was a little harder to get into but I figured it out eventually.
I can’t remember warrior, druid, death knight or demon hunter.
Is that a projection or something? I mean WoW is this game that’s full of disjointed zones lacking any kind of coherence, while XIV’s content remains stable throughout the entire game other than a couple areas like Diadem that were always optional from the get-go.
What a misguided soul (not you Vieria, I meant Allegedlyafk). FF14 is pretty decent. To call it perfect would be arrogant, and such arrogance is already overly-plentiful in WoW and its weirdo creators.
Yeah, XIV isn’t perfect by any means, however I feel that it does several things better than WoW, especially these days.
That doesn’t mean I want WoW to go away or I want everybody to quit WoW or anything like that. I like both games, it’s just WoW has been so… down lately, that I really want it to get better, but I’m slowly losing hope of ever seeing that happen with each passing day.
And then I see a bunch of die-hard WoW fanboys sitting in the burning room going “This is fine.” and it’s like “gaah, you can’t see it!? what’s wrong with you!?” and worse yet, they diss another game, and they say absolutely dumb things about it that aren’t even true, like the guy I quoted.