Learning to Tank is so much nicer in FF14

Almost at the end of the ARR storyline and it’s been a fun ride. Wasn’t the greatest story ever invented, some clichés, some dumb parts like the ‘teleport around and gather crap for a feast when danger is imminent’ chain, but it’s still practically Shakespeare compared to the Sylvanas-Sue storyline in WoW.

Yes it was looong but that’s exactly what I wanted: something I couldn’t punch through in a couple days, and it delivered well. Haven’t even touched the rest of the class or profession questlines, or gotten into Heavensward.

I agree about weeding people out lmao. There’s so much exposition and long, drawn-out conversations/cutscenes. As a player of old school RPGs I’m used to it (many are like a game of 20 questions if you like clicking on all the dialogue options). The GOGOGO mindset of ‘get to endgame at all costs’ WoW fosters is not compatible with it.

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Because it is exposition. ARR sets up the rest of the story.


A lot of gamers these days don’t like set-up, though. They want to immediately begin punching things non-stop with explosions like a Michael Bay movie :yum:

My beef with it really is that you get different spawn locations depending on class, so there is some story I missed on the other two territories. It’s probably minor details, but still kinda annoying. Might have to make a couple of throw-away alts and/or mules to check them out sometime.

There is a reason you see no one streaming end game with views. There is absolutely nothing difficult in ffxiv, it is catered for casuals.

I mean you can be wrong, I don’t care.

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Streaming has much more to do with the person doing the streaming than it does the actual content.

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Insanely incorrect lmao. That’s why streamers views tank when they stray from fotm or their norm. Nice try bud.

Insanely correct, actually. The only streamers that lose viewers are because they only stream one thing at all times. I don’t really need to point to the vast majority of major streamers on Twitch that regularly play multiple titles yet hover around the same viewership consistently.

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You can repeat me all you want. But you’re still 100% wrong. I would post 10 articles for reference if it would let me. Hell even streamers talk about it openly. You’re nowhere near correct haha.

I mean you are more than welcome to try and point out major streamers that aren’t playing multiple titles if you want. Most of the complaints are from smaller streamers that have hardly any real viewership numbers in general so of course their views are going to drop if they swap to something else.

What, did you think Asmon sitting over 100k on FF14 was because no one from his WoW viewership decided to keep watching?


You’re far far too vague bud. I’m not going to hold your hand and show you where to look up this information. Surely even you know how to use key words and a search engine bud.

Right back at you, nothing stopping you from posting all this evidence. What, having trouble with that search engine of yours?

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Streamers talk all the time about how Youtube algorithms punish them for trying to stream something else, and I’ve seen some youtubers talk about how more than half of their viewerbase doesn’t even check out their latest videos if they stream anything out of the norm.

It’s a well known fact. You can look up a lot of streamers who did FOTM games who were forced to switch, heck look up the Among Us streamers, last I checked some of their videos had abysmal numbers compared to what they were when they were doing AU.

And heck, I myself before I got tired of AU, once caught every single Hafu and Wolfabelle video around, but I haven’t touched their channels in ages because, well, AU kinda fell off, they don’t play it anymore much last I checked and I found other things to move onto.

Also, this whole thing of viewership count is irrelevant (except to the streamer). To us, the viewer, view counts should not matter. I’ve seen some of the coolest content in videos with <100 views (not 100k, 100.) and I’ve seen cringe-worthy videos with 1m+ views.

FFXIV itself is a very heavy “Quality > Quantity” game. It has less players, sure. But the players who stick around are better people, less toxic, and generally just more interesting than the average WoW people I’ve seen. WoW boasts big numbers, but that’s really all it has. Terrible storywriting, meh content, nothing but raiding.

Also, LOL @ “XIV has no hard content”.

Go grab a TEA clear and tell me how easy XIV is.


Glad you found an easier game. Maybe try fallout 1 next. Nice and slow turn based game.

You’re totally full of crap. Tanks get treated like garbage, when the players, especially the BLM’s and WHM, start pulling mobs and bosses, because they are in a huge hurry to get the duty over with.
I’ve never seen a tank in any duty with BLM, and WHM in them, who even get to tank, and learn to tank because they were treated so badly.

Literally never seen anything in FFXIV that even comes close to what you are saying.

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Having 1% difficult content doesn’t mean the whole game is difficult. Savage gets cleared Week 1, the only actual difficult thing in the game is Ultimate, of which there are 3.

3 whole instances in the game with any real difficulty.

One could say the exact same for WoW, though.

One Mythic Raid in a patch isn’t really anything to write home about either, esp. when it too only takes a couple weeks for the top guilds to clear.

Mythic Raids usually have 9-12 bosses though right? Ultimate is 1 boss. And Savage is only 4, for like 8 month.

Hell, I’m pretty sure Eden’s verse came out in February and Eden’s promise came out in December, 10 months of the same raid tier of 4 bosses. It shouldn’t even take you 5 to fully clear and get everyone in your group the mount, that’s a minimum of 8 weeks.

Despite the fact there are more bosses in WoW raids, WoW raids don’t really take any longer to clear, lol.