Almost at the end of the ARR storyline and it’s been a fun ride. Wasn’t the greatest story ever invented, some clichés, some dumb parts like the ‘teleport around and gather crap for a feast when danger is imminent’ chain, but it’s still practically Shakespeare compared to the Sylvanas-Sue storyline in WoW.
Yes it was looong but that’s exactly what I wanted: something I couldn’t punch through in a couple days, and it delivered well. Haven’t even touched the rest of the class or profession questlines, or gotten into Heavensward.
I agree about weeding people out lmao. There’s so much exposition and long, drawn-out conversations/cutscenes. As a player of old school RPGs I’m used to it (many are like a game of 20 questions if you like clicking on all the dialogue options). The GOGOGO mindset of ‘get to endgame at all costs’ WoW fosters is not compatible with it.