I’ve played both since the beginning and FFXIV is not as fast or faster. Anyone saying that is not being honest.
You can have a small window here and there where it can spike in APM as I mentioned earlier such as a GNB’s continuation phase.
I’ve played both since the beginning and FFXIV is not as fast or faster. Anyone saying that is not being honest.
You can have a small window here and there where it can spike in APM as I mentioned earlier such as a GNB’s continuation phase.
Spamming the same few buttons repeatedly doesn’t mean you have a high APM when it’s largely wasted, and also doesn’t really require much finesse. FFXIV is definitely slower, but it revolves around more combos and oGCDs to fill gaps. Many jobs can feel insanely GCD locked, and even between GCDs are hitting abilities. MNK is a good example of this.
When you get higher, and when certain jobs get their tools (several of which push the GCD lower), you really don’t feel any dead time at all.
WoW classes use far fewer abilities, even just in main rotation, as the game is built around how much faster the GCD is. But too many classes suffer from lack of depth.
Those ogcd windows are where some can “feel” like it’s faster. I’ve seen videos where people will press buttons they did not need to press to give the illusion of speed.
FFXIV being slower is not necessarily a bad thing, it’s just a fact stated when people compare the two. Just like saying “FFXIV has bunny people”. It’s not bad nor good, just a fact.
Kind of like how WoW randomly makes ability casts quicker or adds a bunch of random procs to rotations to give off the illusion of engaging gameplay?
Hmmm… kinda. But to be honest, I do prefer having that to ability bloat.
Fair enough. I personally don’t. Nothing bothered me more in WoW than having a bunch of abilities on my bars in Cata but only ever using like 5-6.
Was a big reason why I liked MOBAs. You had four abilities generally and each of them had a lot of significance to using them in certain situations. They just felt better to hit. Nothing for me felt worse in WoW when I didn’t have dance charges briefly and was using backstab. What an underwhelming ability. Though that’s probably because I played at the beginning where backstab felt significant when you pressed it. Now it’s like just an auto attack button.
I don’t like having abilities that I never use. I’ve left abilities I don’t use off my hotbars. In FFXIV, some jobs just had a ton of abilities that did not all fit onto my PS5 cross action bar without doing the R1 + Up combo, which is very impractical when doing it on the fly.
FF14 is also substantially easier than WoW, the group will likely be fine even if you do end up dying.
What? You can talk just the same as WoW. FF14 uses /say , /party , and whispers. Only restrictions are on free trial accounts where you can only use /say or whispers in public (so it stops RMT ads and boost spammers) as it’s proximity or /party in dungeons, raids and trials.
But learning to tank in FF14 is nicer due to people having the patience for sprouts and sprouts are willing to listen and learn. WoW players got 0 patience and expect you to be a rank 1 tank who’s tanked stuff for years and if you mess up once due to a buttpull from a dps, they REEEEE and call you worse than dog poop/boosted. I got yelled at once when I tanked for the first time on my warrior in a low lv vanilla dungeon by a DPS who couldn’t find their esc key to STOP CASTING as they kept grabbing threat faster than I can generate range and even with taunts and CDs, was unable to rip it back. Obviously the DPS being dumb is my fault. smh
Never gotten frustrated at a tank (unless they keep pulling and pulling and I and healers/other casters got 0 mana) as its hard as hell to get one in a pug group and it’s a stressful job. Even in TBC Classic players can tell you how frustrating it is to get a tank and waiting (minimum) 30 mins to 1-2 hours for a dungeon due to tank shortages as tanks rather do it with their guildies who pay attention than arrogant and toxic pugs.
yea nice pitch. this just tells me how casual FF is. and just because you found a forgiving group doesnt mean its like that for every group. I call bs on the no elitism claim for FF.
Maybe you need to go look. No idea what the hell your looking at if you think that.
I got the 1,000 dungeon achievement last year.
In these 1,000 dungeons, the number of times I have seen any kind of elitism whatsoever, I can count on a single hand. Out of more than 1,000 dungeons, probably closer to 1,200 by now.
Basically, if you’re not doing Ultimate or Savage, nobody cares as long as you clear the content. Heck, you can wipe a couple times and people are still rather chill about it, 99% of the time.
If you wipe 3 times, well then people are like “ok, why are we still wiping?” and if it’s the same mechanic over and over again, then it’s usually 1 or 2 people who just can’t hack it and the group will break up and re-queue. They usually make an effort to try to explain the fight, though, if it’s obvious someone doesn’t “get it”. It’s almost always done politely.
You have done very very very little in wow bud. Problem #1.
a sprout tank got really mad at me while I was trying to heal in that level 40ish dragon dungeon and it made me not want to heal ever again.
It made me sad, because I love healing, and I’m really, really good at it on WoW.
Yeah, go do Savage Eden and get back to us on that.
Ignore them, they’re probably from WoW too.
of the dozens of mmos I’ve played, not a single one of them has treated tanks well. Although, it wouldn’t be hard to treat tanks better than wow players do.
For what? /10
The only time that I personally have sped up in front of a tank was recently. Was during a trial roulette and he was new, didn’t really understand the fight. After the wipe I immediately jumped in and tanked it myself but not because he was bad, because it was taking too long and I had to get ready to go to work lol.
I think a lot of it is anecdotal hyperbole for both games. I’ve tanked in both WoW and FF14 and hardly anyone has said anything to me in either game but I suppose it helps that I actually know what I’m doing.
That’s because tanking in FF14 is braindead, pull some enemies, spam aoe. Even endgame dungeons are, wall to wall pull, spam aoe.
Trash have no mechanics other than floor aoes to move out of, if even that.
What I will say is I love FF14’s Enmity Table, makes it very nice and easy to know if someone pulled off or adds spawned and are not on you. But the reason it’s a lot better is because it’s so damn easy. It’s the easiest role.