I know later on, there’s lots of mechanics to dodge and stuff. You do not “stand still” in XIV, and a lot of the 8man trial bosses have things you need to know as a tank.
Susano, Titania, and a few others come to mind.
I’ve never been kicked from a dungeon, and I made some pretty bad mistakes.
I think I’ve only voted to kick someone a time or three for reasons other than AFK/Offline, and usually for either a tank or a healer wearing gear so horrible that we couldn’t actually clear the content.
I remember kicking a tank once for wearing head-to-toe DPS gear (which is possible <Lv50) and he couldn’t even survive the boss fights and didn’t move out of any of the obvious telegraphs and would just drop dead anytime he got hit with a mechanic.
The other once or twice I forget why, similar stuff.
Kicking happens, but it’s so very rare. I’ve done more than 1,000 dungeons and it hasn’t happened to me yet.
Agreed with everything you said except this. I can assure you people in FFXIV haven’t stressed or struggled keeping their game relevant since ARR launched. It’s been pretty smooth sailing and nothing but positive and improvements since then. Game has been really popular and well received especially when HW released. Not sure why people think its success is suddenly a new thing.
Has it, though? I’ve been in it for a while and it’s pretty much just a relatively happy community enjoying their game in their space. We don’t mind the newcomers and people looking for a new home- more than happy to have new players joining, hopefully staying, and ideally enjoying themselves.
Why would you want to be mean to someone anyways? Are you the kind of person that is happy when given the opportunity for it to be ‘reasonable’ to lash out at others?
I dunno man. I play games to have fun. That I enjoy being competitive in them doesn’t require that I be nasty with people. I just want to have fun, and I want other people to have fun with me.
People notice the lack of need to do basically everything else in the game that exists just to do endgame content. The amount of absolute garbage players have to navigate to do endgame content in WoW has only steadily increased as time has gone on.
I wanna love hard. Make love not warcraft!! But if you swing back I’m swinging and kicking bruh. It sounds so restricting on what you can and cannot say in FF.
I wanna play with nice peeps with some edge. Not robots controlled on how much they can say. Unless I’ve been given the wrong impression by what I’ve heard about FF?
Tanking is ez. Learn the damn routes and get punched in the face. Healz have it the hardest unless ur tank and dps r all starz and ur bored to tears.
If you happy tho that’s great. I just couldn’t play a game where I have to be perfect with what I say or I get banned or something
When you try to kick a player you must choose the reason from a list which includes stuff like “AFK,” “Offline,” and “Harassment” (this is for people who are griefing or are purposefully holding up the group).
Upon selecting the reason, a pop-up warning appears to tell you that misuse of the kick feature is a punishable offense, and you must accept that warning to initiate the kick.
If the player truly was kicked for an unjust reason, they can report to a GM who will investigate the run and the chat log. If the GM decides the kick feature was abused, the people who did the kicking will be punished. Also, creating a false report is a punishable offense. If someone was kicked for using sentence enhancers and tries to lie to a GM about it, they will be punished themselves.
FF14 has a 3-strikes policy. Upon your 3rd offense, every offense you commit, no matter how minor, opens you up to a GM investigation where a GM will decide whether to permaban you. This quickly filters out people who try to bring their WoW community attitudes to FF14.
The harsh penalties and actual enforcement of rules keep the community from devolving into the state WoW’s community is in where players who try to learn to tank or heal are insta-kicked for not automatically knowing the optimal routes of every dungeon in the game.
You can have some edge. Contrary to what people have said, the GMs aren’t lurking over your shoulder 24/7 waiting to ban you. You’re only going to get banned if you get reported and you’re only going to get reported if you take things a step to far. I’ve seen plenty of edge in my time on FFXIV.
Because a lot of people lived in a bubble on WoW. They sheltered themselves from hearing about other MMOs and if they did it was largely negative because go figure, the people playing WoW primarily like WoW. No different than how League players badmouth DOTA 2 and vice versa.
FFXIV has not had any sort of problem keeping players, it’s steadily increased in players as the years went on and were always very welcoming of new blood.
I don’t know what’s more confusing though. The fact people unironically think FFXIV is struggling to get new players to the point the fans of the game shill it, on a WoW forum that requires a subscription to use just to keep it alive. The fact that twitch streamers apparently “have no influence” with the same people now arguing they’re paid by Square to stream the game because they were “so desperate for advertising.” Or that people desperate to keep players on a dying game keep looking for any excuse to say “THINGS ARE CHANGING! PLEASE DON’T GO!” while they call the XIV fanbase desperate for players.
A bunch of conflicting statements are made on these forums. The meteoric and perfect storm of events that led to WoW’s success is now coming with the perfect storm of events dismantling it and giving rise to a different game because you can give someone a million dollars but if they don’t know what to do with it they will end up broke. The people that made the initial million dollars who have that sense are gone now. It’s just the inheritors wasting the money without knowing how to make it now.
At the same time, they made it clear that you can kick anyone for any reason. However, kicking them for harassment when they were not harassing is an bannable.
That’s not even remotely true. Go look at the APM values of both WoW and FFXIV specs / jobs. The “well man you like get off gcd abilities as you level and it’s super fast!” is getting old.