The Housing does not matter when the only thing they are being used for is the Um “Goldshire Inn” material.
I already agreed with someone above who said the same thing. Not sure why you bring it up again.
Opinion can never be truth. “Better equality” is an opinionated statement. And how would you know, have you actually tried the RP scene in XIV?
How do you know I’m not in XIV right now, in a queue or something? /shrug
I play both games, and I want WoW to get better, and the only way it’s going to get better is if the leadership sees what XIV Is doing right, so that they might have a clue how they can improve WoW.
Not turn WoW into XIV, mind you, but there’s always ideas you can borrow.
Oh wow.
This, from the guy complaining about generalizations?
I can’t say I ever saw anything NSFW in my FC’s hall, or either of my friends’ houses I visited.
You are literally talking out your behind on this.
You do realize that a lot of people have 2 monitors and/or can play more than 1 game right?
Clearly you have no idea what you’re talking about. Sure some people use it for that, but not all. I would say it’s not even close to all.
True, but there is one Goldshire Inn that is known to be the most popular in all the realms when it comes to RP. FF14, there can be like 10x that for how many houses there are in that game.
Lots of people hang out around the Aetherytes in the 3 cities.
A lot of times, I hear bards playing music at these Aetherytes, and I see people talking, and hanging out, etc.
Can’t say I ever ported to Ironforge, or Thunderbluff, or Old Darnassus (which is hilariously still accessible), or even Broken Isles Dalaran and saw anybody doing anything other than zipping through or using the AH.
One town on ONE Zone on ONE sever vs Anywhere, everywhere in every Rp Server.
And lets be honest here FFXIV does not care about RPers despite all the stuff they put out for them,
There was literally a time where RPers could be BANNED for RPing on FFXIV.
FFXIV players are so innocent I can’t believe it lol
Your game seems to have a better community because, in the first place, it is not a game meant to be competitive. Competitive games create stress and thus toxic behavior. Plain and simple.
You think competition is bad? The majority of online players look for competitiveness. That is why FPS and MOBAs are the biggest thing rn. A game without it tends to lose popularity. Nonetheless, WoW is in such a terrible state MMO players ignore the lack of competitive content and look for other games, such as FFXIV, just to feel safe.
That and the fact FFXIV community has struggled for years to make their game relevant compared to mainstream games, while WoW has a established fan base of old players. The first group needs to make their game look good. New game = fresh mindset, people are more relaxed / Old game = same mindset, people are tired of the same problems.
You don’t know these people, man, you cannot say “wow players bad people vs. ffxiv good people”. They do not have a reason to be mean to you, while in WoW they are in the mindset to do so if you make them lose effectiveness.
Not attacking it, I play both. I hate typing in FFXIV. I also hate onions.
Uh, what?
Do you have a link to this?
XIV has all kinds of tools and I’ve seen RP going on in quite a few places on my server even though my server isn’t even the “De Facto” RP server (that would be Balmung).
This man here is spitting facts.
Once the Curtain is pulled back you will find that FFXIV is about as deep as puddle.
And from the looks of things the next x pack is poised to bring WoW back to greatness.
Wrong. That would be Mateus. Balmung is the Goldshire server.
Both of them have the same issues.
Go look on youtube you will find hundreds of videos that prove my point the reason I do not link it here is because I do not want a forum vacation.
I wouldn’t know; I log on to actually play the game. If I want to RP, I’ll RP in a pure text environment (MU*s and the like).
[quote=“Bartiandros-doomhammer, post:392, topic:1052204, full:true”]This man here is spitting facts.
Once the Curtain is pulled back you will find that FFXIV is about as deep as puddle.[/quote]
XIV never hid what it was to begin with.
It’s a game that puts story first, heavily encourages coop play, and has a little of the progression raiding but isn’t the whole focus of the game, where casual players can thrive.
WoW is a game that is the quite opposite, the dev team (the current dev team that is) doesn’t care much about casuals and only tosses them a few scraps and it’s “Raid or die”.
It’s hard to say what will happen now that JAB is (finally!) gone.
Will Jen and Mike lead the game to greatness? They can. Sure. But they have A LOT of damage to fix, first.
EDIT: It would help if the stupid quoting system would actually work right.
Yeah, mateus has been the RP server for a long while.
So you do not even RP.
So how can you say FFXIV has a better RP community.
And most of them have been fired.
As for myself I am going to wait around to see what the new dev team is going to do …and if the new x pack is garbage then I am off to New World a game that WoW Refugees SHOULD be supporting.
Like I said, I wouldn’t know. I don’t RP in MMOs.
The only reason I rolled on Moon Guard is because my then-GF had characters on Moon Guard and asked me to come play with her.
Go ahead and quote the post where I said that.
Hint: It doesn’t exist.
Which is great news, yes. Something had to happen.
The lawsuit and the massive profit loss from the HUGE publicity landslide that Asmongold and his friends started that got people to quit WoW in large numbers is partly what sparked that.
You should be thanking Asmongold, not bashing him.
As will I.
Like I said above, I want WoW to be awesome. I play both games. I would love 2 awesome games rather than 1 awesome game and 1 “meh” game that I wish could go back to when it was awesome that I only log on to try to keep my characters (somewhat) current.
As for New World… meh. Not really interested in a brand new IP when I already have another MMO that’s awesome. /shrug
And I doubt that New World will be anything at all like what WoW was, but hey you do you. But if you’re going to attack XIV, at least use factual statements, and try to stay away from the opinionated stuff. And most of all, if you hate XIV, that’s your decision, but nothing is forcing you to participate in a thread like this.
i have learned more there that it’s helping me to not be afraid to try in WoW when I come back.
They have in game instructions! People help!! I’ve never been so surprised by the actual kindness. It’s incredible.
No it’s not. Besides NN, you all have no global chat.
While I agree it is great news I think he firings are more to do with how female employees were being treated in the company.
And again I have nothing against FFXIV as a game the game itself has some good points and If I had the money to sub to both I would. But I just think the community is a bit elitist and overhypes the game … if that keeps up FFXIV will go the way of No Mans Sky and I do not want that to happen as a good competition is vital for the recovery of WoW.
You should check it out New Wolrd is actually being made by the devs who were in charge during WoWs golden age.
Which Dev team? WoW’s or FF14? WoW didn’t have anyone fired yet from what I have heard or seen. FF14’s Dev team hasn’t been fired. Maybe the 1.0 team was or maybe some of them where, but that was a long time ago.