Learning to Tank is so much nicer in FF14

The truth is unlike WoW the FFXIV community cannot except when someone points out that their game is not perfect in every way.

That sort of elitism is more toxic than anything WoW has.

So no I do not hate FFXIV just its community or at least the vocal ones.

And even then I am doing this as a warning of what sort of community they are creating.

The quickest way to kill a game is to overhype it.

They are literally killing their own game.

There is literally no difference between WoW’s chat box, and FFXIV’s chatbox.

You hit the enter key, and you type, and you hit enter when done. In fact XIV supports mode switching, I don’t know if WoW does this, but in XIV you can switch modes, so that you can change the send mode to /g, /p, etc and you don’t even have to type out the / command. You literally just hit enter and type and it automatically sends it to guild/party/alliance/etc.

I really don’t get why you say it’s “easier” to send messages in WoW, when the two UIs are practically identical.

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That’s why

On WoW, I have a keyboard. Not everyone in FFXIV has a keyboard. A TON of people play on console with a controller.

With all due respect, a lot of the WoW people who attack FFXIV, use tired old tropes that FFXIV players are tired of…

“It’s too weeb!”
“The GCD is way too long!” (because they’re ignoring the fact there’s lots of oGCDs)
“The story is too slow!” (well, duh, because it’s a story heavy game by design)
“The PvP isn’t very good” (most XIV players don’t care about PvP, and they are revamping PvP in Endwalker)

Maybe if you provide criticism that is actually constructive, and/or meaningful, XIV players would listen to you. But when you use the old tired trope ones, they roll their eyes because they’ve heard it thousands of times over.

And by the way, XIV people do realize and see flaws. The housing system badly needs revamped/improved, for example. Nearly every XIV player will agree with you.

WoW’s transmog system is miles better than XIV’s glamour system. I doubt you’ll find anyone in XIV who would disagree.


Cool! Does FF14 have forums you can go post on?

That still doesn’t say anything about Keyboard WoW vs Keyboard FFXIV.

The two interfaces are practically identical.

You can’t say “typing in XIV sucks, because you’re using a controller and I use a keyboard in WoW” because you’re ignoring the fact that you can, if you want, play XIV with a keyboard and mouse just the same as WoW.

For people who only play console, they can surely say it sucks.

Like FFXIV players do not do the same.

“Wow Players are bullies” (Thats because FFXIV bans people for the slightest form of criticism)

“Asmongod likes our game so that means we are better” (Yea the same guy who once kicked a player for getting a mount he wanted you can have him he is toxic)

“Wow Players are toxic” (Yet here you are trying to convince us to come to your game.)

Thats the reason we hate FFXIV not because your game is complete garbage as there are some good point it is because the playerbase are Hyppocrates and REFUSE to accept their game is flawed IN ANY MANNER despite the dangers of overhyping a game.

In the end an MMORPG is a social game and I am going to have to interact with those people if I join the game and I do not want to interact with a community who is one step away from being a Cult.

You can’t compare PC WoW to Console XIV, lol.

Nobody is forcing people to play on Console. And if you wanted to make that comparison, you could say that

Console XIV > Console WoW (because it doesn’t exist)

Isn’t tanking in FF14 just dealing dmg with a threat modifier?

We can agree to disagree.

Nobody is forcing anyone to play period. You and I don’t know the circumstances surrounding why someone plays on their platform. It could be friends, it could be that they didn’t have a PC at the time.

We’re getting off topic anyway.

That, in itself, is an over-generalization, you realize?

You’re applying a broad generalization to an entire community, where maybe 10% of players are like that.

Most people in XIV (I know this from lurking around in NN a lot) are the most warm, welcoming, nice people you would ever find.

When XIV people say that WoW has lots of problems, well, just browse WoW oboards…

“Domination sockets suck.”
“Systemlands sucks.”
“I hate borrowed power systems.”
“Korthia is a joke.”
“I hate the anima grind.”
“Why did we have to wait 8 months for 9.1?”
“I hate waiting so long just to fly.”
“Professions are worthless.”
“Conduits are terribly balanced.”
“Covenants suck.”
“PvP is unbalanced.”
“Dungeon loot drops suck.”

These are complaints from WoW players aimed at WoW. Just browse GD for any length of time, or look up WoW Youtubers and all you see is complain moan complain moan complain.

So, XIV players go “Hey, if you’re so unhappy with your game, come over here! Our game doesn’t do most of that stuff you’re complaining about!”

And then the WoW people will instantly go “pff, that’s a weeb game.” or “pfft, the oGCD is too slow” and all of the other things I said above, without having actually tried said game itself.

They’ll make generalized insults that they just happened to hear from somewhere without even giving the game a try because other people said so.

A lot of the people who say WoW players are toxic… have actually experienced the toxicity in WoW. I have, myself. Many times. I don’t see anything of the sort over in XIV, partly because it is actually moderated, and partly because the game design simply doesn’t allow for any kind of griefing. Over there, they specifically design open world quests to prevent griefing, mob stealing, etc. It takes a monumental effort to do so, and as we saw from Asmongold’s streams, people who do that are nuked. Quickly.

No 24+ hour waits over there; they actually have a proper support staff.


My point was simply you were making an unfair comparison, and using that as an attack against the game based upon flawed logic. /shrug

No. Just because the truth hurts you, doesn’t make it any less true.

That’s putting it nicely. FFXIV has better looking armor, but the glam system is just so frustrating to use, I don’t even find it worth it to go collect new glams most of the time.

I would give the edge in chat to wow because of 1 thing. WoW can do custom channels where as FFXIV can not. Well not really. Linkshells exist but they are limited to how many you can be in and how many can join them. Also remembering the command to type in them is annoying until you get used to it.

I have no words you basically have said I would need to say.

I will say that playing a tank in FF14 is more enjoyable than playing a tank here in WoW, but tanks in both WoW and FF14 are almost the same when it comes to how many people are willing to play the class.

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I only spoke the truth. Those are the things that the vast majority of WoW players say about XIV when the idea of trying it comes up. /shrug

Truth hurts, no?

I think nearly any XIV player who has played both games would gladly and whole-heartedly agree with you about. I, myself, only keep a few glamours because of it.

I suppose that’s a fair complaint, though one that is not applicable to me personally.

'Sides, if you ever need to do any talking, Discord is always going to be better than any game channel for 90% of your communication needs.

Eh, judging from the wait times for dungeons… XIV can only take 2 DPS per dungeon while WoW takes 3, which means WoW should have shorter wait times.

I can tell you from experience that it does not, XIV’s queue times are shorter despite needing 33% more tanks and healers (I’m talking about Expert Roulette as DPS).

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Lets talk about the truth.

The Truth is that WoWs transmogrify system is better than FFXIV

The Truth is the RP community on WoW is larger and has better quality than FFXIV.

And the Truth is that instead of playing FFXIV the game you love so much your here on WoW.

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I can tell you from experience as well while playing a DPS and trying to get into certain dungeons, raids, and alliance that the it sits there looking for tanks the longest. Now in comparison to WoW, I would say it’s about more or less the same. but that is just my opinion.

Larger and better quality? I dunno. I feel FF14 with all the stuff they have in the game in comparison to WoW like housing, you can get married in FF14, there is more you can do in a RP sense in FF14 than in WoW.

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