Learning to Tank is so much nicer in FF14

You know, as someone who recently started doing dungeons in FFXIV, this is also my experience. In fact, I personally have seen more chat over there. I have yet to be in a single dungeon where majority of people don’t say hello join or GG/Have fun after the run etc

I’ve also experienced wipes as well and only once did I see someone complain about it instead of offering an explanation of the mechanics. My friend and I joked about the complaining person and said “that’s probably a recently joined WoW player” :rofl:

most wow tanks I’ve played with are pretty skilled, passionate players. Mistakes happen, but let’s face it - WoW is not very forgiving for mistakes compared to a game like final fantasy.

Your tank or healer messing up is gg for the group, and i personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with that dynamic.

I know that many classic players and ff players find retail wow to be a bit more on the difficult side and prefer the simpler playstyle, which I can respect…but I think it’s nice to have some flavor and challenge sometimes. Not everything needs to be a copy/paste from game to game.

And as players pointed above, I think tanking in smaller group content like mythic+ is actually a bit harder than most raid boss fights. I’ve even heard that from tank players before…so you have options if you find one activity too difficult to learn.

Finally, I just wanted to say from a healer perspective - i think all the tanks are very well balanced in this current patch…maybe not perfect, but I think blizz is doing a good job with them…kudos to the devs on that.

Funniest thing about this is tanking is the easier to fill of the skilled roles. I have tanked and healed in games since EQ and while I can do both, I prefer to heal.

Bonus in FFXIV for me? Healers are usually the in demand role in the duty finder. I have earned so many seals and gil, it’s insane. it’s like playing on easy mode since I have been staying in ARR till I max out all jobs.

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In WoW you need to know boss fights in order to tank. When to use mitigation and stuff. I didn’t tank prior WoD or heal prior BFA , but learned trough fights. It’s not bad as people think it is.

Learning fights is number one priority

This feeling transcends games.

I still call Incarn “Bear God” after soloing the last 2.X% of galakras’s HP. Vengeance was so nuts dude. And I love that Bear God is back with UFR in Shadowlands - probably part of the reason I can’t agree with people whining that the game sucks because it just feels so good to have “Bear God” back after all this time (Doom Winds on Shaman also feels so damn good too, part of why I’m enjoying Enhance again).

This is BS. I don’t have conversations in WoW dungeons at all, people don’t even say “Hey”. People talk a lot in FFXIV. Not sure what you’re talking about. This is probably bait anyway.

@OP, I wouldn’t recommend tanking or healing in this game unless you’re doing it for a guild. This community is to toxic to learn the game with random people.

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The only thing that absolutely upsets me is people calling me all sorts of nasty racial slurs like it’s standard dialogue. I had the healer repeatedly call me a slave, the n-word and said here’s some fried chicken as a reward when we downed the first boss. By then I just reported the person and left the group. The game is very good but the community is the absolute worst I have ever experienced in my life.

Yeah but FF14 is trash, it hamfists you into dungeons even more then WoW does…and let’s not eve begin to talk about their questing experience and story. Most boring dribble I’ve ever seen. If WoW and FF had a contest on who can get the worst writing and quest experience FF14 Would make WoW’s story seem like it was beyond reproach.


“But Company of Heroes is intentionally bad quest design because it was designed to, in-universe, filter out those who aren’t dedicated to the task of heroism for heroism’s sake…”

Literally seen this garbage on /r/ffxiv trying to justify why ARR MSQ is fine being completely terrible. And I’ve seen people brag that ARR is a “filter” on the game preventing “unwanted players” from joining. Yeah, no wonder FFXIV’s community is so monolithic, the only way you would go through that content and not be bothered by having your time wasted is if you’re part of the cult.

It’s actually insane. I don’t think FFXIV as a whole is a bad game but the lengths FFXIV fanboys will go to defend that game is actually insane.

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And another thing the dungeons in FFXIV are laughably easy compared to WoW. I mean most of them you can roll your face on a keyboard and still win.

Or see realize this internet and it’s something only a narcissist would want to complain about

You shut your dirty mouth!

It’s a slippery slope.

When critiquing someone, did they ask you to do so? If they did, it’s not harassment. Critiquing someone who did not ask you to can be, especially on how you do it. I’ve seen so many people who berate players and try playing it off as “I was just trying to help.”

If we wipe on a boss a couple times, I’ll just say the mechanics in a non-targeting way. I do not tell anyone how to do their jobs unless they ask.

Can confirm. To be fair, one of them, I had to roll and bounce once.

I mean good?

WoW players are the worst at this. There is advice then there is demeaning snarky attitudes that are being put in a little box to pretend like it’s advise.

Most people giving advise are not being “polite” they are just being arrogant jerks.

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The point I was making.

Some people actually believe in their heads that berating people is helping.

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Agree 100% Luvavu - and not just tanks. The folks are patient for all classes. Have been on a few runs where someone pipes up that this is their 1st time through and the others take the time to give them tips and explain the mechanics before we start the run.

It’s the complete opposite of running stuff in WoW.

I’m nearly done with the MSQ - into the early areas of Shadowbringers now and for all of the runs that I’ve done there has been not a single person complaining about dps, speed of the run or any of that. It has been an absolute joy to run and not having to deal with the ‘go go go’ and ‘your dps is 1% less than optimum you suck’ mentality has been sooooo nice.

Been on a few runs where the group wiped and not a single person rage quit. We regrouped, the more seasoned players explained what went wrong and we went at it again and finished up on a high note.

Glad you’re enjoying the game!

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Talk about a stupid excuse.

(S)he’s not wrong though. Chatting in FFXIV is a lot more clunky. And with how many people play on console, it’s significantly worse. I can type on console decently fast, in my opinion but it’s still so slow, that it’s sometimes not worth even trying.

In WoW, I can say a whole sentence fast even if we’re “go go go”.

That is because FFXIV is one big safe space.

It’s easier because they slowly feed you with abilities. It’s easy to learn how to tank when you do a dungeon with only 5 abilities even when you’re 80 because of how syncing works.

Question. Why does that game live rent free in your head? Did you fall in love with a catgirl there and it turned out to be a man?