Learning to Tank is so much nicer in FF14

I don’t care what the meta is. I’ll go as fast as I can handle things. I don’t really know of anyone who deliberately goes slower than they’re capable of unless they’re either a sprout or brand new to tanking and trying to get a feel for what they can handle.

Or running off and grabbing stuff when someone isn’t ready, prepared or capable is the same thing. It goes both ways.

That’s the reason why “let the tank pull” has been a thing for nearly ever. FFXI is the only MMO I’ve played where it wasn’t.

Likewise, overpulling mobs and wiping the group because your DPS is too overzealous is going to result in exactly the same. It may be the tank’s responsibility to pick up threat, but it’s the DPS’ responsibility to do damage. Damage that isn’t being mitigated to active threat is less efficient damage being done.

This is the world of warcraft general discussion. No one cares about FF14. If you want to go whinge on about a terrible MMO go to their forums and do it.

FF14 forums require an active subscription, and a lot of the people are on trials.

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Oh, they don’t want to commit fully to their outrage against Blizzard?

Color me shocked.

So it’s just trolls then, because they can’t even sub to teh game they claim they are having more fun with. Neat.

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So does WoW though.

Subscriptions don’t end the moment you hit cancel. A lot of the players on trials on FF14, are canceled here, but their subscription is still running out, which means they can still post here.


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Don’t you know?

Most who post in WoW forums are those whose subs are “running out today/tomorrow/this week/month” and then they’re posting on the forum well beyond that stated timeframe.

Believe me, they’ll make sure you know when they’re “quitting”.

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Thank you I thought I was the only one who was seeing this.

As for OP the reason for that is because FFXIV Mods can be a bit “Trigger Happy” when it comes to the Banhammer and there is a chance that ANY form of critque whatsoever can get you banned for “Harassment” because someone’s feelings are hurt. Because of that everyone has just decided to keep their head down and not say anything.


Yeah, a lot of tanks don’t realize that if they wanna wall-to-wall, that cuts down healer DPS a lot, because the healer has to use 100% of their GCDs on heals, esp if the tank stinks at timing mitigation properly.

Now, if you have a WHM, and if you have a good AoE group that is also well-geared, and/or synch’d, then sure, go wall-to-wall, Holy spam will lock the mobs down long enough for the DPS to get them down to 50% or less and mitigation will cover the rest of it and you’ll chew through them in no time.

In-game? If you’re referring to the forums, the mods here are no better.

Sometimes, that’s not always a bad thing because the AoE damage from the DPS goes up to compensate however, if the healer can’t keep you alive straight healing, you’re biting off more than you can chew.

I am referring to both.

Or they could stop trying to make every fight more weird and complex than the last one. At a certain point they stop making any sense and it just becomes another puzzle.

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In-game, FFXIV mods have 0 tolerance for harassment. On their forums, people get harassed all the time freely.

As someone who plays a PLD when I tank, I don’t need no healer. Hell, I’ve tanked final dungeon bosses from 75% - 0 while keeping both dps alive because the healer died and no one could rez. Makes you feel like a literal god when that happens.


Play a real tank, sir! :stuck_out_tongue:

PLD is a real tank. The best tank, with the best heal and invulnerability in the game.

What are you talking about? Raid tanking is ResidentSleeper for almost everything except the Final Boss and “Tank Busting” bosses in Mythic and Dungeon Tanking in M+ is more about routing, strategy, and resource management.

Tanks don’t “need help” in WoW aside from the massive knowledge gap that comes from “Doing the Dungeon” to “Doing the Dungeon Efficiently” which comes down to the subtleties of knowing what packs you can combine on what weeks, what to skip on what weeks, and so forth, and it’s really hard for the game to teach players meta-strategies like that.

Well according to FFXIV Devs critiquing someone ALSO counts as harassment.

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