Learning to Tank is so much nicer in FF14

Especially since drk’s ogcd’s are on a long cooldown, except for flood/edge, meanwhile something like a prot pally is using ogcd abilities every 2-3 gcd’s at the very least. Combine that with something like lust/seraphim and mikano’s haste trait, and I’m hitting damn near 3-4 buttons a second for sustained periods of time.

I would if people like you would actually learn to speak English properly.

Again on the internet what is this English class am I writing you a paper essay are you grading it, no. So shoo troll ol

You’re not wrong.

I tank in both games and when people lie and talk about FFXIV tanking being busy, complex or spammy, you know they never tanked in WoW. And I say this as a GNB main, which is the most “busy” of all FFXIV tanks.

Ya no you’re right. Just keep typing your words like that and letting everyone know you’re either a) mentally deficient or b) 10 years old.


Or maybe they tanked on a druid. I do know some of the tanks in wow definitely are less spammy, since I think prot pally is the highest apm spec there is. But yea, as someone who’s tanked in both as well, there’s a lot more going on in wow then ffxiv for tanking. Never tried GNB unfortunately, after they butchered DRK I abandoned the game as a whole.


I’ve seen posts on /r/ffxiv where people literally advise DPS to pull more mobs to speed up the run if they’re unhappy with the tank’s speed, rather than telling the tank to go faster because you’re not allowed to tell people how to play the game in that game. Just straight up making the tank’s job worse with no warning or communication because you aren’t allowed to advise other players in-game.

It’s actually insane. At least in WoW you’ll get a “pull faster” comment and adjust accordingly.

The ffxiv subreddit is an absolutely horrible place to ask for advise.

And no matter what game I’m playing, if you pull it, you tank it.

That’s a nice way to waste your own time. The only time that matters when you’re in a PUG is your own. Your time is tangible, the time of some random PUG is irrelevant in the sea of countless hundreds of thousands (or millions as in season 1) of people running keys. Wasting your own time to waste someone else’s is a only a loss to you - you don’t win when some random PUG you will never see again suffers.

Lol not really and it’s also very common.

If you want to pull stuff, go play a tank. If the group isn’t moving fast enough for you, leave and find a group that will.

Arbitrarily trying to call the shots outside the scope of your role is a waste of everyone’s time.

Is it, though? Because I know what I’m comfortable pulling; the DPS does not. If you pull something, it says you’re willing to tank it. If it kills you, then I’m going to laugh at your hubris.

I can definitely say that my time is already not tangible when I que as a DPS. Sure, I’ve already wasted a half hour waiting for people to show up, but I’m not just going to start pulling mobs all willy-nilly in some sort of bid to get our party through the dungeon faster and therefore cause undue stress to the tank and healer who have to pick up my slack if it turns out that no, I’m not stronger than the elite mob I decided to pull.

Untrue. Due to the reason I explained above.

Yes. really. Letting your group wipe repeatedly because you don’t want to pick up threat when your group is trying to speed up pulls is a fantastic way to waste your own time.

Except that in FFXIV you get a deserter penalty if you leave a PUG.

  • You can tell people to go faster BANNED!


  • Body pull mobs.

Unless you’re being a stubborn idiot, you should just pick up the pace if the group wants to go faster.

I play a tank, I’m not arguing with you about what the tank’s responsibility is, lol.

No, it’s definitely true. Your time is the only time that matters. You’re “PUG’ing incorrectly” if you think that spending your time to try to educate someone you will never see again to play the way you want them to play with SPECIFICALLY YOU is a worthwhile endeavor.

Not really.

The difference between FF14 and WoW is FF14 actually has moderation. You can’t complain about the tank unless you want a nice penalty (this is a good thing.)


A random person in your group pulling extra can cause a wipe too. The tank pulls because they know how much they can handle. They learn as they go if they can handle more. Being overzealous and grabbing extras, causing a wipe is a fantastic way to waste everyone’s time.

If you don’t want deserter, stop trying to do someone else’s job and go with the flow.

If the tank is pulling 1 mob at a time when its very clear they can “AoE pull”, that’s one thing but if a tank knows he cannot handle pulling everything until the barrier but some DPS insists he can, that’s not a group or tank problem, that’s a bad DPS who has a deathwish problem.

When that happens, I let that DPS tank whatever he pulled. Luckily, it’s a rare occurrance.

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Is it? (It isn’t).

WoW has actual challenging content. It works in FFXIV because almost all of the content is trivial to the point where premade groups are an exception and not the norm.

I disagree. Actually moderating the playerbase is the one thing WoW can learn from FF14.

It’s common in pugged M+ content for people to tear into tanks for the smallest of things, but you’ll still finish the run, or leave the run.

You can finish the run or leave the run without acting like a child.


Maybe I just see it different than you. It’s not a waste of time to show someone how to play correctly unless they don’t want to learn how to do their class correctly. This is why raid leaders expect their teams to learn up on their classes and how to do encounters. LFD/LFR may be a dumbed down version of things but there’s still a bit of learning that needs to be done on behalf of everyone.

In fact, LFD/LFR was implemented as a way for people to learn basic things about the dungeons and encounters they would eventually be facing in more difficult dungeons. Veteran players just got too complacent in their ability to faceroll the content and now do so at the detriment of newer players and people trying to take on new roles.

Not sure why you’re saying “not really” when it is literally my experience. Whenever I’ve gotten in a group with a new tank, the group is typically happy to help out - pointing out where to go when there’s confusion and letting the tank set the pace. Sometimes I’ll encourage them to pull more if they like (typically something along the lines of “Hey if you want, you can pull more - I won’t let you die :)”).

I edited my post before you replied to it to reflect my intent. There’s a difference between telling a tank to go faster because the meta is to go fast, and a tank deciding he wants to go slow and forcing people to learn how to deal with his lazy ResidentSleeper %%%.

Giving someone advice altruistically is one thing. Committing sudoku to “teach that guy a lesson” is not.

If you don’t like that guy body-pulling, simply finish out the run and don’t play with him again. Wiping the group because the DPS and healer (and therefore you) got clapped because you didn’t pick up threat because you’re stubborn is not productive or useful.

In FF14 code of conduct, this is frowned upon, fwiw.
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