Learning to Tank is so much nicer in FF14

I came back to check out the game. It’s been a few years.

I kinda regret buying it now though. I feel like my 30 days should be up by now. That’s what’s odd.

@ [Allegedlyafk]

You’ve played long enough to know that this is an entirely new account. Don’t be that guy.

plot twist. it was former wow players that kicked you. :upside_down_face:

but the reality is people are people and while one game may have less issues than others, people will have varying levels of tolerances through out a week and time of day. with no time constraints, people will be far more willing to just deal with it than when they are out of time. rushing for work. trying to beat a reset day or beat a timer.

As a main tank and former main healer, all this does is forces the healer to be a pure healer and not DPS if that’s their playstyle.

It’s hard for FFXIV tanks at times because some groups are “go go go!” while others are “hey man, slow down”.

Trial players aren’t going to be the ones complaining

We can look forward to Ashes of Creation.

Good tanks use sprint when hitting the first pack of mobs to avoid the mobs auto attacks, so they don’t die or are almost dead when they pull to the wall. It’s not about saving a few seconds on the run.

Blatant lie, you can’t whisper while you are in a dungeon in FFXIV unlike in WoW. Nice story though kid.


Never listen to the FFXIV subreddit. It’s the absolute worst place of any MMO I’ve ever engaged in. New players are insulted and berated. People are “not allowed” to have their own unique playstyles even though their game code clearly states they are allowed to and it says to respect the unique playstyles of others.

Time for all the FF players to be like “well I’ve never experienced it, so therefore it doesn’t exist in FF”

Good! That’s awesome!

I am very skeptical of it.

Someone claimed the official forums were horrible place to ask questions, turns out it was not, as far as I could see it.

Same thing with reddit. I don’t care much for it, but without actual proof of, what the poster said and what other people said, I just can’t believe it. Someone could very well just have thrown themselves in there, with a total crap take, be booed off the stage and then claim the place is bad. I know I like batting at people who seem to be lying about certain things in FFXIV.

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While the typical MO in level cap dungeons in FFXIV is to wall-to-wall pull, if the tank mentions they’re new at the start, 9 times out of 10 the group is understanding and happy to go at whatever pace the tank is comfortable at.

No you’re wrong it’s slow at first yes once you hit 50/ 60 depending on the class it’s probably just as fast or some classes are more fast-paced than WoW also not as much content that’s a joke considering it has more content you play now at max level then shadowlands has but that’s cuz they know how to sync levels correctly and you can go back and experience any dungeon any raid and it would be the same as if you progressing that day it released now I will agree with the PVP is terrible that’s not an argument they are supposed to be working on it the next expansion we will see how it goes

The GCD between abilities alone makes every class in FFXIV slower to play than wow.

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As you get higher level you get abilities on GCD and abilities off gcd so respect becomes weaving Gcd, off gcd ,gcd ,off gcd so as you can see once you develop more abilities the game play actually picks up quite a lot at first it is extremely slow though

I’ve played FFXIV until this latest expansion, and had a max lvl DRK since it was out in HW. Even with something like a DRK ogcd weaving (which was my main), it’s still not nearly as fast paced. Especially considering something like DRK is a 10 sec ogcd weave for burst, than the next 50 seconds is sit there hitting 1>2>3.

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I’ve played while since 2005 WoW I can tell you right now in the game from playing rogue druid and paladin final fantasy is just as fast and I’ve only played one class of them and that’s paladin

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I can confirm this as a raid tank main. I had some guy try arguing about it with me not long go on here. You can, in a sense, make your rotation seem faster by spamming abilities you don’t need to.

I’d like to buy a punctuation, Pat.

On the internet how about try being less troll kid