League of Legends is killing WoW

is it wrong i actually like to eat spicy food before i go to bed lol

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nah i played league since 2011 and ive seen a sharp decline in what i knew to be a fun game.

And ultimately i got banned last year after asking my support to stop trolling politely which escalated to me afking (because why would i deal with a teammate like that?)

league is no longer the game i used to enjoy.
its turned into a joke of its former self and and now even so much as telling your teammate to stop throwing and help you is considered “toxic”.

good riddance

but hey ive seen your post history and a candy shop lala land game like league where they hold your hand and protect you from harsh truths will be perfect for you.

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LMAO. I’m laughing so hard about your point, so you were toxic in League and got banned and have now brought it WoW where the hardcore manly men reside rofl.

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nah im the type of person to not say anything unless you’re directly affecting my gameplay.

wanna see my chatlogs?

as if it would matter anyways judging by your post history telling someone to stop pulling garbage dps" is toxic when its the truth

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Had to check the date on this.

I’m a full proponent of the idea that LOL is the WOW killer… but from the era of the transition point from Wrath to Cata. Bliz bungled Cata hard, right at the point that League was coming into its own, and it promptly absorbed a large amount of disaffected WOW players.
WOW has been bleeding out ever since.

However, that damage has basically been done. Nothing LOL is doing currently makes it a WOW killer.

Sounds like your friends are the ADHD type and that a MMORPG isn’t the right fit for them… by your explaination it sounds like your friends expect daddy blizzard to hold their hand all the way through the game… especially with the ability to queue into ranked matches or high skilled content… if group finder existed for M+, rated Arena and BGs, and Heroic/Mythic raid… that content would be as bad as group finder/LFR, bads and wipe city.

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So you are toxic then alright no more explanation needed. It’s just so funny hearing you “Well I acted toxic in one game and got in trouble! So now I hate that game and spread my toxicity to WoW!”

I can’t believe people even waste time reading others activity too. Truly sad.

Why didn’t you tell all your friends this BEFORE they started playing WoW.

Sorry, none of this sounds believable.

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The dollar value on questing is just overblown. That will probably anger some people but honestly it needs said.

There is a clear trajectory of enhanced questing and the loss of end game content. In that dev dollars that go into talking head NPC voiceovers and leveling quests are coming from having compelling endgame content.

It has to be asked who really cares to see this stuff beyond a once or twice thing. It’s just not good for a game that people are supposed to play for months.

i have never been muted or chat restricted or even banned on WoW and ive had full blown arguments with someone in a M+ key several times.

my point is LoL bans you for it when they shouldnt

its hilarious though how you dont even know me but your’e saying i “spreading toxicity” all over this game and yet you’ve made several threads with objectively Toxic titles and premises.

you’re such a smooth brained clown lmao


Uhh do you tell your friends every facet of a game before they play it? Should I have spent an hour or two explaining every aspect of endgame when they aren’t even level 10? Obviously my goal was to have a core group to play with. I mean by now these modern conveniences are expected and the standard from MP games. Imagine asking Overwatch players to always need to form a group to play the game. It’s a team game after all requiring precision teamwork and roles and all that. But it’s just bad and wouldn’t make any sense. The game would tank. I simply asked them if they would play WoW. Some played long in the past, some brand new. Their reactions are authentic and give pause to anyone who wants to think critically rather than blindly defend. What would a WoW dev tell these people if asked in person? They’d probably spout out some garbage like I did when in reality it makes no sense except to hold onto some old dinosaur idea that is no longer profitable or good in the modern age.

Sorry, but this is the truth. I know you dinosaurs hate to hear it.

Not at all. If I do it I usually wake up 2 hours later with a raging case of heartburn.

WoW is killing WoW.

League is more of a place for WoW refugees to go than the cause of the diaspora.

There are some times when a product is better and players gravitate from one similar media to another (such as WoW poaching Everquest players, I certainly was one such player) but I don’t think they would be going to League, a very different kind of game from WoW, if WoW was holding their attention.

Side note:
Who keeps flagging every OP that doesn’t simp to Blizzard?
Dude is bringing up legitimate problems that should be addressed.
I’m not a fan of Blizz “tournaments” but as I understand it half the event was chat spamming “SOLO Q” through the whole thing. M+ doesn’t lend itself to this particularly well, but that’s on the game devs and not the players for wanting what they want. Acting to change the game for the better or make community concerns known is commendable.

Yeah, the guy (Pendragon) also secretly move to Riot while he still “manage” the Dota-Allstar website, only to sabotage the site by placing League of Legends ads on it.

Later he secretly took the trademark of DotA under his name, sold it to Riot, then Riot sold it to Blizzard to help Blizzard fight Valve over the name of DotA (Defense of the Ancient).

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League is that game that you enjoy for a little bit, and then when you have a desire to actually win and want to be good it becomes that game that makes people angry.


League has the same effect on WoW any other popular game has. It is not a targeted competition.
Most of the WoW players I know still play League from time to time, but they don’t care much about League anymore… and that is the main thing.
Most league players don’t truly care about the game itself, sometimes they even admit it is a dumb game. They just want the cheap dopamine rush and distraction. And that is ok, since it is a free game in the end.

The overall design has changed in that direction as most modern games did. More cheap, generic champions; simplistic, straightfoward interface and interactions… that is the opposite of what MMO players look forward.
And that is why the said “League” MMO won’t ever appeal to the current majority of the MMO audience. It will form a completely different playerbase.
Knowing how Riot works now, they will probably have terrible balance to grab a lot of cash, and build a world aimed for teenagers and anime fans who just want flashy combat and sexy models. I don’t see that appealing to the average Warcraft player.

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You sound like you never left bronze lol

Most because it reveals to people they aren’t as good as they think because they can’t rise in elo while better players can. The better players just accepted they didn’t understand something and improved, the bad players get mad and blame the team.

It’s the same as pvp elo here, 99.9999% of the time if you’re plateaued the problem is you, not the game balance, unless you’re at 3000 elo.

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I mean, WoW came from an RTS playerbase. Obviously you can draw people from a different genre.

Tons of people take LoL seriously, that’s why it’s the most popular game in the world. The champions haven’t become more cheap or generic, if anything they’re becoming bloated and complex with lots of passives and hidden effects.

Like, what are you even talking about, are you a bot just generating words? lol

The only thing “killing” WoW is WoW