League of Legends is killing WoW

League of Legends amateur should try Diablo, not World of Warcraft.

The Twilight's Hammer clan is LFM Doomsayers!
OP, you should try it!

Remember: Cho’gall will have your heads! ALL OF THEM!


i just made a post about queuable content earlier and it got nothing but trolls. idk why people hate on it


only getting worse. you should look at the new champ kits theyve released since youve been gone, some horrendous stuff


and League of Legends has a more toxic community than WoW. cant imagine how toxic their mmo will be


Devs are old-time gamers who think that the game was better when there was no group finder and everybody had to form groups in trade chat walk to the entrance. They think that forced “socialization” is more important than players having something to do. I think they would remove the group finder in a heartbeat if they thought they could get away with it.

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Depends what they do with it.

They got scary things like Urgot lurking around so they’re capable of gritty stuff.

I’m all for whatever they can pump out to give a good kick up Blizzards behind so their IP just isn’t left to rot for all eternity.


That’s cool if they want to do that. At least then we can know there is no hope and the game can die even faster. But if not lets get those queues rolling and make some damn money for the game.

Pretty toxic too. It’s amazing how nasty they get when everyone points out the flaws in their thread. Oh well, glad his group went back to LOL. But I appreciate him letting us all know that game is still alive. Maybe next someone from Everquest can pop in and tell us all how much better that game is.


No WoW Devs are killing WoW

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assuming wow is mature lol

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If the OP is any indication, let’s just say I’m fine with that bunch staying over there.


If something is killing WoW, then WoW is dying.

Your number is 1,434. This is “WoW is dying” post # 1,434.


It’s a public forum, I’ll post wherever I please.

And if you’re going to try to insult people(go back to M plus), at least have the intelligence to look up the profile of the person you are trying to insult. You’ll look less like an idiot.

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eh being fair, league is an offshoot of a warcraft 3 map made by the same guy who made said wc3 map back in the early 2000s. In theory, theres a few players who have been convinced to play league instead of wow.

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toxic are the players not the game itself, like wow i find people toxic ingame too

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League was only made by one of the creators of the war3 map and he made most of his characters by stealing community ideas from their forums.

He was a pretty crappy guy from what I remember of the drama at the time.

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Basically this. If you really want a populated wow experience then your best bet is to resub right after a new patch for 1-2 months and then unsub till the next patch.

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I think you’re a little too late for this, LoL it self is already starting to decline as well, but WoW players shifted to LoL almost a decade ago but simultaneously played both games

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Leagues player count and esports has been dropping off in the millions in the past 3 years.

The pro league scene in OCE is dead (irl friend is an OPL player, plays in the new league org)

The game is being marketed towards the Asian market, China and South Korea specifically as they have the highest % of players. The art style and game has changed, and western players are starting to leave. You can google trends and look at riots trends and it’ll show you what I’m talking about.

I don’t think LoL is killing WoW, I think outdated sub models and over-usage of simple systems and poor game design is what is killing WoW.

As long as people are buying their products, I don’t think the game will change at all. If it’s working, don’t change it.


The fault of instanced content. Back in EQ 99 you could just go to a dungeon and find people for PvE and PvP. Nothing was instanced!

The golden era of the MMORPG.