League of Legends is killing WoW

So basically they are giving their game away. Sad. Wonder how many players would still be there if the free loaders left.

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They do have a cash shop where you can buy heroes and such but I’d be willing to bet the game would lose better than half its players if they tried to implement a subscription for it.

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Activision is killing WoW

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If we’re looking purely at the number of people that play, LoL is basically killing every game.


We can get burned out from either and move somewhere else. Plenty of LoL streamers have quit the game for consoles, etc.

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Yeah cause I totally said change all the gameplay to be a moba. Another troll. My god reading some of these posts its like you all have zero argument other than saying its not an MMO. Completely missing the major points of course.

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Every single post ever made from the perspective of “my wife”, “my friend”, “my 3 year old niece” is a big fat lie.

Have a complaint with the game then make it. Don’t put lipstick on your pig of a thread by pretending its from the perspective of someone you believe has more credibility.

Sorry you’ve never had a friend in your life.

I would actually prefer this tbh. One of things i hated was solo ranked queue where you had no idea what kind of people you would get on your team. Most of the time you got people who would just end up trolling because they didn’t get the lane they wanted or the Champion they play got the ban for that game.

well Rated BG’s requires 10 people, not 5. Also playing in a group of 5 for content like dungeons has existed since vanilla. Long before LoL was even conceived.


When you say pvp and be alliance, lol I lose always and this is the reason I go out.

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You’re in luck buddy cause that option still exists! The majority play in solo queue though. even many top players spend time in it.

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It sounds like your friends either aren’t MMO/WoW people or you just pushed too hard instead of letting them want to play with you.

Well considering they just picked up the game I doubt they were getting slaughtered on gear alone as pvp gets a lot easier with a lot of class knowledge and its doubtful they would even know their class well.


Riot is making a mmo…

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I got your points. Believe me, there was nothing complicated about them. You and your buddies don’t like forming groups on your own and lack the patience to build your character and learn your class. You want to be able to just log in, have the game create your group and start competing. That’s not how MMORPGs work. Never have. That is how MOBAs work.

You’re in the wrong genre. Stick with MOBAs.


I’m aware of that. Get back to me when it is actually released


How on earth do you compare a game like LOL to wow? What the


League is still huge?

Huh. I quit that toxic cesspool back in WoD as did many of my friends. Surprised it’s still going strong. Not pleasantly, mind you, but still, surprised.


Try reading the original post instead of trolling.

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You’re the one on an alt friend. I’m not trolling.

I read your post. Not even comparable games. :purple_heart:
Plus league sucks

There are suggestions to better the lfg/lfd tool though - but many are against it for
reasons you dismissed earlier in the thread. Nice discussion you got going here. Lol…

Transient gamers sure are edgy


Except one is a MOBA, a subgenre of RTS and the other is a MMORPG.

The only game under blizzards IP that you can compare LoL to is HotS.