League of Legends is killing WoW

Yeah these guys are comically delusional. Half of them seem like bots who just say catchphrase words and don’t actually understand anything they’re typing.

Yeah it’s only the highest twitch, the highest grossing game, and the most popular game in the western market by a huge long-shot, and competes for the top of the Asian market. They’re doing TERRIBLE!!!



Are you sure about that?

Great. You didn’t understand anything I said and then proceeds to ad hominem.

  • I already said it is obvious.

  • “Tons of people” is a irrelevant statement. It says nothing. Tons of people take any game seriously. I pointed out that the large majority are extremely casual players who couldn’t care less if League becomes trash since they can jump to the next big hit on the market. They have no personal attachment to the game. That is not how the majority of the RPG fans treat their selected franchises.

  • Just because they have a wall of text of unnecessary overcomplication doesn’t mean they are not cheap or generic. The large majority of the new champions are just variations of sexy topless emoboys and sexy cute anime girls with overloaded kits that are not hard at all to understand.

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lol top rating game that actually came from warcraft (their game)
but THEY are doing better then blizzard. LOL that would be a big punch in the gut for them

It’s an MMO, the social experience is part of the game.

Here is the thing, not all games are for everyone, that is why there are multiple genres.
If lobby style games where you can hit queue and group with multiple people then that is fine, but not all games need to be like that.

Games that aren’t lobby focused don’t need to become lobby focused to fit in with the people who do like those games, those people simply need to stick to games that fit their ideal.

I’m not a big fan of ARPGs, that doesn’t mean ARPGs need to fit my ideals, I simply don’t play them.
I don’t wish for them to be ruined for people who do enjoy those games just to appeal slightly more to me (but still probably not hitting the mark).

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legion stat template pvp was the best pvp format and I’ll die on that hill

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I didn’t know that the extremely low drop rate of loot… was a political mindset.

Most of the complaints about WoW have nothing to do with any political mindset…

Do you guys even bother to think before posting anymore… or is it a race to generate the dumbest statement first?


So what, you try and prove me wrong by listing it as the 2nd most viewed game lol? Behind gta5 which is 1/3 xqc? I’ll just assume you meant sarcasm.

What are you talking about? Professions have been huge this expansion, and the map layouts are pretty solid.

Damn, I guess we should make this game more like Fortnite, then.

It’s hard to get into a game that’s (ostensibly) story-based and is 16 years old. Especially if it’s an MMO and you don’t want to interact with other players. A major part of WoW is guilds and friend groups, and despite Blizzard’s efforts to reduce the necessity of guilds, it’s still probably the best way to enjoy the game.

It’s also true that the 1-60 experience is probably a piss poor story at this point. I haven’t done it in quite some time, but you no longer have the sense that this is a vast world, with each zone having its own story. Back in Cata it was redone into DEATHWING, RAAAAGHR. And now with the faster leveling, you’re sampling the story from different expansions. I’d imagine it’s pretty terrible, and it’s probably beyond fixing at this point. Well, maybe that’s not true. You could probably give old expansion the Shadowlands treatment and highlight several quest chains in the zone that give a pretty good picture of the story. But that’s a lot of work, and Blizzard won’t do it.

As a counter example, though, I started playing League sometime around MoP. I played both it and WoW until HotS came out. I tried HotS, didn’t like how slow and simple it felt, then I went back to League. Then one day I decided that I was tired of the shop and the game being completely reworked each season, and the last-hit mechanic was just stupid and did nothing other than slow the game down, and I quit and went back to HotS. I still like Lulu’s character, though.


Right you can say that till you are blue in the face but WoW is still going to die. It’s pretty simple to see most people don’t have large groups to play with or a desire to make them. This leaves WoW to crumble.

Yeah, sure, so is every game if you give it enough time.

When’s the last time you played Duck Hunt?

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Eh…WoW has its issues but I don’t see LoL transitioning well to MMO format.

Sure, but the game is also over 15 years old. If WoW dies it’s got nothing to do with LoL and everything to do with people getting bored of playing the same gameplay cycle over many years.

They are different games with differing playerbases even if there is crossover. LoL isn’t a replacement for an MMO. Hell it isn’t even a good game anymore, their desire for making something flashy for esport and constant development creep has killed the game from what it used to be.

The New York Yankees are killing the Green Bay Packers…

See how much sense your statement makes?


HotS’ biggest issue was Blizzard tried to join the MOBA market to late – HotS literally was released in 2015 and League of Legends was in its prime 3 years earlier.

Dota 2 already had a large fanbase because DotA still was the nostalgic and harder version for MOBAs. It didnt also help that Blizzard tried to sue Valve over Dota either which made a lot of old player not want to port over.

Combine this into: 1) HotS being a dumbed down version of a MOBA – more than Smite – and 2) The game was pushed out with a focus on esports without a stable server system and a focus around teamplay rather than individual performance…meant this game was just not long for high life.

HotS is fun to play – but its like playing a party game with friends.

As for a Riot MMO — That is years away (5 years minimum) from seeing the light of day or even an Alpha. Riot has been going full expansionism and trying to extend its games out into different markets.

I remember when Project M was shown – and has been dark for two years (going to 3) now. A Riot MMO would be even farther away and would basically have to complete with established audiences for players.

  1. ESO
  2. OSRS
  3. SWTOR
  4. WoW
  5. FF14

It benefits Riot that they may use the LoL universe to back it – but we can not predict how the MMO market will be over that timeline. MMORPG has been a declining genre for years since Wrath with FF14 being on the rise due to being more console-friendly for a large Japanese audience.

A Riot MMO would need to show something impressive or innovative to survive when it shows its goods.

I’m not sure if that is sarcasm or not.