Leaders meeting at icecrown spoilers

This whole intro event illustrates the disgusting power gap between Horde and Alliance characters. The Alliance has characters wielding godly power and the Horde characters just hit stuff.


its like you want to be wrong, let me simplify it, Tyrande is one entire half of the ardenweld campaign, not one quest, not one scen, but one whole half, with the other half being about voljin.

Iā€™m confused by your examples. Thrall and Varian were in the game since the beginning. Rhonin and Vareesa weā€™re indeed added in book form first but when they came in they were side characters and have forever remained so. His complaint is making a new leader seemingly out of nowhere will at best confuse the player base and at worst frustrate them.


Hahahah go Jaina! Oh by the Sunwell, did I just say that? Okay so I gotta give her that one, nice shot Jaina!

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Link it, what I saw there is only that scenario she appears in. Then there are people who arenā€™t her talking about how dangerous those powers are and how she will need to get rid of them.

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(Commentary): Thatā€™s not her new model, so no. Not sure who it is. Could be the PC maybe? Or some random Dark Ranger.

I donā€™t read the books, and if I have to pay additional money to figure out the gameā€™s story, then Iā€™ll just bail on the story entirely. This isnā€™t a hard decision to reach, considering the state of the story anyway.

And who else do you plan on listing? Thrall and Varian have been in the game since Vanilla. Varessa too, I believe (well, at least established as Sylvanasā€™s sister). Rhonin though? You mean that mage who maybe gave me one quest in WotLK Dalaran? Who proceeded to only be kinda important in-game by getting blown up?

Thrall was introed in Lord of the Clans, Varian was kidnapped and AWOL from Stormwind for ages until he got his comic which was the iteration that was put into WoW.

Rhonin and Vereesa run factions and were important characters that outranked players.

His complaint that Blizz puts too much into supplementary materials is valid, but his proposed standard to keep characters in said materials excluded poses big problems if uniformly implemented, and thus is problematic and restrictive.

Which is my point in identifying Thrall, an iconic character, as being introduced in a book. And to show the potential you ignore by keeping such characters in book form only.


Thatā€™s what this whole scenario makes me feel.

I donā€™t even care enough to get really annoyed over everything. I donā€™t think the characters this plot is focusing on are terrible, but theyā€™re just not interesting to me anymore.

Poor Shadowlands writers. In the rush to get to the story they actually wanted to tell, they left me unable to enjoy the story they trashed everything else in order to tell.

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Am I missing something? What book was Thrall introduced in before his appearance in Warcraft 3?

I could see them going with Calia to lead the Forsaken, it seems the logical reason for them bringing her back. I donā€™t really agree with it, but that is where it seems to be going.

Reforming the desolate council could be a good thing for the Forsaken.

While its possible, I donā€™t think Bolvar was in Lordaeron. Timeline wise I believe he would have been in Stormwind when Calia had her child.

Nah, Talia isnā€™t going to be made undead. They are setting her up to become Queen consort of Stormwind.

I doubt this as well. The Ebon Blade seem to like remaining their own entity.


Can someone with trust level 3 please compile all of these links into one post?

Lord of the Clans, published in 2001, compared to Warcraft 3, published in 2002.


They literally said sharing the power helped but it wasnā€™t enough. It was probably just a dozen or so people at most.

Aight so you just wanna be bitter and sad have fun


Nothing a little mage portal couldnā€™t fix hoho

Nah Anduin should die heirless and a virgin so Alliance gets a civil war uwu

The books are good supplementary story because not everything can be shown in game. I mean, Theramore for example, what if all we had for that was the one scenario to show it. It didnā€™t give a lot of detail on the how and why. Without it we would never know how the Horde got to that point, why are there so many high ranking Alliance there? There was so much story behind that one scenario that couldnā€™t go into the game. So the books, comics, mangas, they give us a chance to really understand the story better since realistically it would have made very little sense other than Bwahahaha watch me twirl my mustache as I blow up your city Garrosh. I get some people have an aversion to reading but come on, there are reasons these books and such exist. To attempt to flesh out the story that they canā€™t fit in game. If you choose to be Lore deficient for not looking deeper into the story that is your decision. But some of us actually appreciate the deeper dive into the stories beyond ā€˜Iā€™m an evil b@stard who will blow up that weak mages cityā€™.

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This is what I thought. Itā€™s at most 2/8 parts of the campaign she is involved in, not half and that is assuming ā€œDaughter of the Night warriorā€ even involves her, maybe her mother was a night warrior. The only other one that seems like it involves Tyrande is ā€œCurse of the Night Warriorā€. So far weā€™ve only seen her appear in that scenario, not in anything else other than here where she disappears at the beginning of the scenario to never be seen until max level questing.

FFXIV has a far more nuanced story than WoW and somehow does it without books being required. So many quests in WoW are garbage without substanceā€¦ made to be menial and repetitive for daily quest fodder. If this was replaced with small cinematics and character interaction rather than saved for books, the additional 300 page read would not be required.

This does not mean I am against books in all form. The Illidan one was great as it added to the story with some details but is by no means a requirement to understand how things went down because the game already had a small area (DH intro) to explain it. I wish to see more of that.


Calia standing with the Horde.

Let the seething begin!