Leaders meeting at icecrown spoilers

FF XIV has a more modern engine that can accommodate for more storytelling techniques like in-game cutscenes. WoW in 2004(?) was pretty basic animation style wise, being less dynamic and unable to portray more dramatic scenes except via open world events.

WoW these days can accommodate more now due to improvements and workarounds, including prerendered cutscenes in WoW’s style. Ergo, you can make an argument Blizz should be shifting more story to the game now that they couldn’t cover in 2004.

Edit: To quote Lindsey Ellis, “There are layers to this discussion.” :stuck_out_tongue:


Jailer confirmed for testing people he imprisons?

Maybe not 100% evil?


And yet the story was pretty clear in 2004. Their weren’t any readings required back then. Everything needed was shown in game or through quest texts. Yet somehow with all these advancements today, it is now required for even the most basic of things… like introducing a new faction leader. This is what upsets people.


Then why don’t they write a story that can be told in-game and stop relying on books to tell the critical missing parts? To me, it’s not being willfully deficient in lore - it’s them purposefully selling an incomplete product, and expecting me to pay more for the missing pieces. And, no, they’re increasingly not making a good argument for buying these pieces either. Garrosh became a mustache twirling villain in the end anyway. BfA had two books for it, and all it resulted in was Sylvanas doing what everyone thought she would do anyway. Oh, but now I’m supposed to have purchased and read those because of a minor character they thrust in them. Same with the upcoming troll books - we already know the ending and can reasonably assume that Sira dies (she was really just an excuse to have the same boss on both sides of the warfront anyway). Oh, but the book “might” be important because of some event with Zappyboi, Talanji, and Anduin.

It feels like an increasingly inherently disingenuous model for storytelling.

Am I opposed to all outside works? No, the short story with Thaly and Lor’Themar was fine. But a part of it being fine is that it’s pretty optional to read it.


there wasnt a coherent story in 2004 like lol, remember in bc where they just main a bunch of fan favorites raid bosses for bad barely reasons, so bad they had to make a book like ten years later just to rexplain everything.

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Okay, the example I used, Tides of War. I cannot realistically see how this could have played out in game to give a proper build up to the dark road Garrosh went down. There was just too much to tell for it to be in game. As I said, if you don’t want a full understanding of the story, don’t read the books. But if you do, there are waiting. I for one will be buying them because I enjoy getting to see the lead in to what will be coming in the next xpac.

Previously independent villain now working for the newly invented big bad to prop them up.


wow its almost like people that have things to do with death have to do with death, soooo shocking


I feel like the Calia hate hinges about as much on her character model as it does on these quibbles about her backstory. A Light-washed human who looks more like an animate statue than a zombie was an… unfortunate way to bring this character back, if her fate is to be the Forsaken racial leader.

I’m not judging, I disliked Nathanos being so prominent for the same reason. Blizzard’s aversion to Forsaken heroes using the Forsaken model is a bit frustrating.

God, I remember when Forsaken fans on this board would wax lyrical over a hypothetical Forsaken Calia Menethil showing up to champion their right to Lordaeron. I agreed with them, I thought it would be a fascinating way to bring the character back, far more so than just as another human hero. Funny how unpopular that notion is here now that it’s actually in danger of happening.


I have never seen anything actually happen that came after someone said “Calling it now.”

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Are you gonna post why or you just fishing for likes? Cause if your not I could.

Seriously? Anyone with trust level 3? One big post?


So I noticed that Valeera is on the horde leaders side, and after forsaken Calia tries to tell Tyrande what to do and Tyrande gets angry, Valeera along with the horde leaders draws her weapon as if she’s going to fight the alliance characters.

Is Valeera suppose to be a horde character now?


I mean.

Didn’t she fully turn against Odin after Loken inspired doubt/paranoia in her mind?

And didn’t Odyn do something to her after her experience with the Shadowlands leaving her scarred in some capacity? At least according to Odyn’s story he “saved her” whereas Helya’s version is she was forced into becoming the first Valkyr.

Seems like she’s a secondary character, never fully independent of her own accord per se.


I feel like I’d be trust 3 by now, but I can’t ever be now, cause reasons.

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Blizzard really needs to look at this scenario. I’m not a fan of Calia leading the Forsaken at all, but somehow that’s even overshadowed by Valeera being Horde to me. Since when?


maybe they arent, well calia probably is, but we are missing the whole pre patch which leads up to this, theres alot of story to see, maybe some of it is in the book too.

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Valeera is with the Horde characters ready to fight the Alliance when we arrive.

Calia is the only one who isn’t.

Valeera has been the most wishy washy character in WoW. From all the books and stories she has been a staunch supporter of the Alliance royalty. Ingame shes thrown in as Horde for sake of having a body since their is no one else left. The contradiction between book and game is just another reason why I dislike all these books being written for quick cash grab only to be invalidated a few patches later.