Layers Added to Realms -- Updated 2:00 p.m. PDT June 5

Thank you. It took too long in my opinion, but at least it finally happened. Now please fix mob/node spawn rates to scale to the number of players in a zone since we have classic spawn rates (besides lotus) but non-classic server populations.

doing things like this would restore people’s faith in Blizzard, it’s a shame they are so opposed to foresight tho.

Its bots. you guys literally did nothing about them, then reopened char creation so even more could flood in. instead of fixing lotus spawns or adding layering, ban botters and people who do rmt.


Hey Blizzard, if you want to solve the bot problem then you need to be more diligent at stopping gold buying. Gold buying inflates the market and attracts the bots. The economy on Herod is absurd, 300g flasks is insane, 5k gold Edgemasters is greedy af. When people buy gold they are more willing to pay inflated prices and it gets out of control. I appreciate you trying to fix the problem but I fear you’re looking in the wrong place for fixes.

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Thank you!!!

Thank you for this (temporary) fix! My raiding guild has been having a lot of issues making sure everyone is logged and ready when there’s a 2hour queue at 7pm…

However, I truly believe that the problem is all of the botters on the realm. At first it was fun and I ignored them, then I just started to kill them all and camp the ally botters. Two days ago there were at least 15 ally bots on Herod in Arathi between the ally valley/gulch base and the lil ogre mountain and cave in the middle of the zone. I got over 100hks just killing them repeatedly. Then I started lowering their hp and letting mobs finish them off. Then I got bored and just left. There were roughly 12 hunters with Chinese symbol named pets, and 2 or 3 mages. Y’all really need to bring out the old, dusty ban hammer and start banning the bots bc real people are quitting the game, and when we all quit, the botters will follow, and then you make no money. Get rid of the problem while you still can. Layering is only a temporal solution, this will continue to be an issue until you ban the bots! Thank you for bringing back layers and for the black lotus fix too!:heart:


You can’t even keep your bs together a couple minutes apart.

I take it you only play half the game. Here’s something pretty interesting: you can main one faction and play the other, or even main both.

Notice also: “we rolled,” versus “I played.” Ie all my friends and I have always played Horde as a group, while I personally have played Ally as well.

In fact, the portion you quoted made that distinction :woman_facepalming:

I know, it’s hard to understand.

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So do you play with your friends or not?

The answer is already included in the verbiage. I trust your reading comprehension will sort it out.

I think you’re full of it. That’s what I think.

No trial accounts in Classic.

“It has been a very high priority for us to understand why, after we de-layered ten realms on May 14, these two realms reversed course and experienced this, while the others did not.”

I don’t know could it be the party’s with druids, mages and priest farming Strat Live 24-7?

Could it be all the hunters in Azshara killing Naga 24-7?

How about all the bots killing elementals non stop 24-7 without ever logging off?

No, no I got it now… itz cuz we raiderz are getting in the way of your real customers in Asia who are more important.


If you’d like me to spell it out: “When I played Ally” is referring to a historical time when I, personally, played Ally in retail, contextual to Shadows reference of a timeframe of MoP to legion. During this time, I mained Horde with my guild “as we have since day 1.”

“We rolled Horde as a guild, as we have since day 1” refers to rolling Horde in Classic, contextual to the queue time reference and timeframe of my response to Shadows; also indicating “we rolled Horde as a guild [in Classic being that we always have],” “as we have since 1 day” showing this trend.

These events are not mutually exclusive.

I take it you’re against layers to avoid queues?

Shocked that you’re on Whitemane.

It was a general statement, not specific. Your clarification is irrelevant.

The entire classic rollout has been such a mess it doesn’t matter. My only hope is they mothball these existing servers when classic tbc rolls out.

I see, it seems more likely you didn’t understand the previous clarification, and now having one so obvious have realized how simple it actually was as a statement. But don’t fret, your clarification in later posts is irrelevant.

Ah, glad you think it doesn’t matter. So Merc Mode should be no problem since the release was so terribly fumbled.

Nice chat, ciao :beers:

Yup. Full of it.

Right… cause nobody mains one faction with their group of buddies and plays the other sometimes for fun. Very outlandish, 10/10 unheard of.


It has been a very high priority for us to understand why, after we de-layered ten realms on May 14, these two realms reversed course and experienced this, while the others did not.

Because of the bots you guys obviously ignore. The server is filled with them botting, farming and selling accounts. Wondered why the Barrens were so active … then noticed the majority of the players were trolls with boar pets and Chinese pet names. Just go to the Barrens any time of day. They’re ALWAYS there. I highly doubt they’re legit players. Everybody wants to play hunters with boar pets really? But knowing Blizzard you guys are just going to wait until they trash the Americas servers like they did your Asian servers before banning accounts. And we’re all going to have a decreased playing experience because of it.