Layers Added to Realms -- Updated 2:00 p.m. PDT June 5

A genuine thank you, resubscribed.

so you agree they were way too late then.

I agree that more wouldve been a disaster

Thank you for summing up how I feel so well in just 1 sentence. :smiley:


Biubiu, you’re the best!

Thank you for layers, Blizzard. <3

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Nope. I played Horde from MoP through Legion and rolled Alliance for Classic because it was obvious Horde would have PVP queues. If you want Merc Mode then go to Retail.

Nah, how was it obvious? Overall players is almost 50/50. I didn’t know Ally don’t PvP. When I played Ally, I PvPed. On other servers, Ally queued up.

Please let me know how you knew definitively that queues would be longer for Horde with a source.

It was out of our control and now the queues are out of hand.

As layering solves one queue, Merc solves another. If Blizzard is implementing one, the other should be considered so people can play the game.

It has more to do with people growing up and realizing that playing a human (it’s all alliance has) in a fantasy game is stupid.

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Maybe, I didn’t know that though :wink:

By the way - I don’t actually want merc mode. Anyone reading all my responses will hopefully see how I’m drawing a similarity between the two to show the absurdity of retail solutions to Classic problems.

Horde have had PVP queues on retail for years. I know because I dealt with them for years. Horde racials are better for PVP in Classic, so of course all the PVPers would roll Horde. It was blatantly obvious to anyone paying attention this would happen. I didn’t want to sit in queues, so I rolled Alliance.


I’ve always found that comical.

Ally Race Options:
Short human
Human child
Purple human with pointed ears

If Horde racials are substantially better, I have two questions:

Why don’t we win substantially more in AB and WSG?

It’s basically 50/50, I have a similar win ratio on both my 60 Horde and Ally. I would trade stun resist on my Orc for Escape Artist to combat mages better. I’d trade beserking on my troll for Expansive Mind, because that’s OP and awesome 5% int on top of total int - whatt?

Secondly, why did the largest top PvP guilds in the world roll Ally? As they have over and over through vanilla across servers.

Tbh though, I prefer the BG experience on my Horde toon. Having time between queues is nice when I’m solo playing. I do run into less premades on my Ally though, so its a hard choice between the two.

Hurray Herod and Whitemane have both been saved.

But the black lotus.

Take your uppity attitude and your worthless forgotten rp-pvp server and stew while we on the biggest and greatest server in the entirety of Classic WoW rejoice in a shower of black lotuses. We win. You lose.


Thank you. Whitemane needed this.

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Please just transfer to Arcanite Reaper. That has a Vanilla like total population. You’re so talented you’d be a superstar there and plaudits would rain down from the sky. Since you have volunteered to transfer to a server that wouldn’t be layered, well there is one that won’t be! I’ll await the screenshots…

See you in next week’s threads when world buffs stop working again due to layers. :rofl:

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at least black lotus will be down to vanilla price on whitemane soon!

or lower, aren’t you guys getting twice as many lotus spawns on top of them increasing the locations/spawnrate?

Well, what did you do, or what metric targets did you hit before you de-layered those realms? You did do one of those two things before de-laying right? You didn’t just wait a month and turn them back on randomly hoping everything would be ok did you?

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