Layering sucks even if its just P1 (Video Proof)

and you would get none of that if the servers melted, I would rather them try to address something they know has been a problem over just hoping for the best, people will riot just the same if Classic had server issues even beginning to approach the problems Vanilla , let alone , WoDs launch wasn’t the last one that had issues?

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There has never been server issues, even during classic launch because there wasn’t enough people interested in the game yet. They had some crashes on classic after populization but that’s about it. Nothing during bc, anything else.

You can’t tell me that after 15 years of developments in server components and network infrastructure, servers are still unable to handle 3-4k pop. Even if the servers have initial problems, I’m fine with it. I’ve waited for 10 years for this, I can wait 2-3 days for servers to stabilize.

We argued for months upon months against CRZ and sharding, but now we’re handwaving their spiritual successor being included across all zones and for up to 3-4 months? BS, pure BS.

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Um what? There were TONS of server issues IN Vanilla, I had soo many game time credits suring the first 4 years. mostly during the first 2,lol

The AQ event was the best example of the servers melting.

see and this shows that if they servers did have any issues at all and they did nothing at all that people would still riot.

Not sure why you bring up CRZ though, that was never on the table at all.

Not all of it was server issues though. Lots of software issues.
I also remember lots of downtime with us getting credits.

Hardware was sizzling with overload and the game itself was buggy.

Thats literally what I just said, only vanilla had server issues and it was after launch during the early years when the servers were run on 2kb ram.

I just want to be able to play and not crash, or get stuck in the loot and scoot position:O)

WoD I beleve had some issues, and honestly BC had a few hiccups as well, not as bad as Vanilla, but I have credits from then too.

Probably why after that they tried to split us up at launch,lol.

You said

I can include the rest but it sure seemed like thats what you were saying, my bad if that is not what you intended.

Layering IS CRZ.

CRZ shifts multiple realms into a single zone, such that you rarely see the same player twice. Layering shifts multiple realms (layers) on login, continent transition, grouping, and sometimes randomly (if the beta is final), such that you will rarely see the same player twice.

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Hey, that was awesome to be fair. I lived that opening night and I wish things were still like it.

But they are meant for 2 different things, and CRZ was never going to be part of Classic,CRZ is how they populate zones in Current, Layering is just a giant shard, and they all use the same tech.

and no if layering works as they have told us, you are supposed to see the same people, as they are not supposed to be as dynamic as sharding.

So if things are not working like that, people need to be reporting it, either here , the beta forum, or in game.

Well Stud…you have all these streamers who have a priority to play/advertise the game rather than test and then some players that never played vanilla and don’t know anything other than sharding.

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This is absolutely appalling that people are defending this junk. This is one of the worst functions an MMORPG can have. If Nost showed us anything it’s that 10k people active on one server is completely fine. If they weren’t lazy they’d focus on dynamic respawns rather than this BS.


They were all on the same layer before they grouped up.

It doesn’t take an expert to see if something not working, not every bug needs some ‘expert’ to see.

And all these people who are complaining that they see these bugs on so and so’s stream are also helping as they are at least posting about the bugs that they see.

How many bugs don’t pop up until everyone is playing too?

they were not all on in the same place though.

To be fair, when blizzard started talking about layering they specifically said that they can’t guarantee your character being static to a single layer.

Don’t recall ever hearing that, in fact I heard the opposite, would have to re check the interviews, I think they are linked in one of the layering threads,lol.

With layering its not supposed to matter. The difference between layering and sharding ( or at least supposed to be) is that layering is a server wide shard, so if you change zones you shouldn’t be hoping into different layers. If Im running beside you I should always see you unless one of us logs off. The only times you shoukd be shifting layers is if you log off or are invited to another layer.

If everyone was on the same layer to start and then shifted after grouping then it needs to be reported as a bug. That should not be happening.

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