Layering sucks even if its just P1 (Video Proof)

Twitch Clip

Basically this guy sees some people killing a rare and asks to join their party. They invite him and the rare immediately disappears and the whole group gets sent to a new layer.

What could have been one of those organic open world Vanilla moments that might have led to a new friend, instead is a uncomfortable immersion breaking event that only encourages people to NOT invite anyone the next time something like that comes up.


Maybe that’s what happens when a layer is full and a new player tries to join it.


They probably need to adjust and fix layering over all. I don’t want to sit here and defend blizz on this but, I don’t think that was really intentional. If it was then they really should change that at the least lol.


This is not a non-negotiable aspect of layering. This hotswap of phases is moving people from one processor to another to keep all processors loaded and at full to save money - leaving no processing power wasted. Blizzard only has to pay for the exact amount of computational power as they need.

Blizzard would have never spent a dime developing this technology if it wasn’t for this exactly - which sacrifices gameplay for huge savings to be realised on both launch and post launch servers.

The algorithm moved the people as the processor in the rack was being maxed out. To fix this costs money- as you’d use predictive algorithms to not get to a “max” scenario, which loses blizzard money.


My question is what happens when a server has a huge player base when P1 ends? How do you remove layering from a server that has 3x or 4x the amount of players the world can actually support? I haven’t seen a single plan for this scenario and that is a bit troubling.


Volt…how many expansions has Blizz released with known bugs/glitches that got totally ignored as if they didn’t exist ?
And there were plenty of forum posts on them.

I recall quite a few from Legion.

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I agree Igotsoul. And even with all those interviews out there that question has never come up.

All they talk about is 60% of realm players quitting so population will be stable. Kinda like promoting failure of your product and counting on it.


Layering is more to help with levelling. Once you reach max level, you’re not going to have as many people in the same area so it’s less likely that kind of issue will occur.
And you’re also assuming blizzard doesn’t do anything to stop the population from exploding that high. They could lock the server from character creations for a while if there are too many people levelling past certain levels. They can create new servers as well if all server pops as a whole get too large.

REAP WHAT YOU SOW BLIZZ!!! You can’t have it both ways.

Either beta is indicative of final release and thus inviting streamers to hype and publicise it to the masses makes sense (and these posts are warranted because in its current state layering is god awful).


When you are testing and developing beta, the only eyes on the product should be those that have the mindset of helping develop and test those features and “official” demo/marketing material should be disseminated at the appropriate time.

One thing is certain you have alienated the segment of your potential population that does not abide streaming. Hopefully they will not slink back to the private server scene.


anyone have that video of MoP release, the helicopter quest, just to demonstrate what happen when a ton of player end up at the same quest with no sharding/layering at all?

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Clearly unintentional… they were on the same layer… it’s beta… move on and stop crying…


I actually think this is completely untrue. While a majority of players are leveling they will be spread out among many zones in the world. When most players are 60 they will all be jammed into just a few high level zones like the Plaguelands, Searing Gorge, and Ungoro.

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When you first create a character, there are only 6 possible places you can wind up.
Compare that to max level where you can be in any of the capital cities, out in the world farming mats, levelling the last few levels, doing dungeons, doing world pvp, doing BGs, doing raids, and more.

sharding the starter zones would have helped with levelling. layering does nothing to help leveling and both sharding and layering end up in the same place at the end assuming they don’t exist at the end.

I don’t think I can trust blizz to remove layering pre phase two or even at phase 2.


I could understand if layering was being used just to alleviate strain on the first 1 or 2 leveling zones. That was what they said sharding would be used for but the goalposts have moved since then.


Sort of like what happened in Warlords of Dreanor when we all ended up in the unphased layer trying to click on the telescope to actually create our garrisons?

Or any node collection/named spawn prior to open tag?

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Then don’t trust them. Wring your hands and worry that you are being ripped off or lied to. The rest of us are enjoying the anticipation of playing in the game we’ve wanted for years.

You are free to be miserable.

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We don’t want sharding, we don’t want layering ( sharding 2.0 ), we don’t want CRZ ( something happening in beta already ). I go about questing and now I know that Billy from Westfall I just saw, it may very well be the last time I see him because he’ll be in a different layer once he parties, I or he logs out or go any of us logs on another toon once ( this layers both the alt and the main ).

Layers kills the community, divides them, but its more than that when rares vanish and people pop up from nowhere all the time.

You don’t want a classic experience, you want BFA~Vanilla mix.


This goes for the ‘modern’ game too: It really shouldn’t force you into a different shard unless the one you are currently on is full to the point to bursting. It’s stupid how volatile it is.