Layering sucks even if its just P1 (Video Proof)

They have 3 months to go and they are using a small, limited player base to test layering ?

Sure this might be unintended. Now imagine 9K people on a realm divided into 3 layers with this happening all over the place as people try to group up.

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How do you know that though, this tech is something they created for Classic, and in Current you go to the leaders shard, it clearly was not intended to work like that, and like I said, hopefully got reported.

Not sure what you are asking me? doesn’t matter if they have ten years or ten hours or 3 million people testing or 3000, there are bound to be bugs and unintended behaviors, especially with new tech.

all we can do is let them know when it does happen.

gotta love it when all sense of playing in a fantasy world is abruptly destroyed and we’re all forced to start talking about server concepts like “layering” in game chat.

Let retail enjoy layering, they love convenience.


I like your edit Hafez. Its good Hafez. Somehow I’m not banned.

Why did they change layer, when they already saw each other? Shouldn’t they all be on the same layer, if they can see each other. How does it increase the amount of players to just party up?

Should be fixed. Layering stuff is annoying, but I hope it’s made as unnoticeable as possible.


beats crashing or having the servers be down and unplayable like they were in Vanilla, I love being able to actually play the game,lol.

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I’m glad you like my edit. I doubt you’ll get banned. You’re not saying anything negative about me so I don’t see why you would get banned. I directly refer to the “OP” in several of my posts, not banned either.

Looking at it again, the gold node disappeared as well, so I’m thinking that the party invite moved both groups into a new lower pop layer even though they were already on the same one. Thats why this bs needs to be removed as the servers can handle overpop perfectly fine.

Somehow it doesn’t seem to be an option, but that should be fixed. Why do they need to research a new layer after grouping up, if they were already in the same layer.

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exactly, they don’t. That’s how the algorithm is set, same as sharding. Its a popluation control method to save server power and blizzards $$$

Edit: Its a really dumb thing and ruins the play experience


New classic meme…“We’re switching layers boys…hold on”


And they even said it’s dynamic. I remember they said sharding was dynamic and happens “under the covers” when too many get in an area.

What does it have to do with population, if they are already on the same layer? Sounds like a bug.

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I wasn’t talking about them in the layer but the layer technology itself…what if a boat just landed and plopped 50 people into that layer.

I was replying to Nescience, but the way I see it is that when forming a group with players from the same layer why do they need to perform a layer search or layer check at that point. They could just continue to play on the same layer, if the whole group was already there. That way it shouldn’t matter even, if boat lands from layer 1 Kalimdor to layer 812 Eastern Kingdoms with 100 people. Those 100 people should be searching for a new layer at that points. Not the guys that grouped up somewhere in EK.

I really think if people actually experienced the system working out in the game as they play, they’d realize just how impactful it is on the classic experience they thought they’d have.

There’s so many ways it will show itself, your example being one of many that will keep reminding them that their world is only a tool that can be used (or abused) at will for gameplay conveniences.

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Clasico…yeah…that’s the way they explained it.
That the only way you leave a layer is to join a group that exists in another layer.

That’s exactly why everyone thinks this video is a bug. There aren’t many people at all, there isn’t a reason for the system to be running (sharding/layering), but it is. Think of it as 3 layers for example. Layer 1 has the streamer and the guys killing the mob, layer 2 and layer 3 are other ones. The layer 1 has the highest pop (10 people for example) so as soon as they party up the algorithm switches their party to layer 3 (4 people or lowest pop). It shouldn’t be on at the point they are playing, not enough people, but it is.

No different than how sharding impacts retail.
I left in Legion because I was so frustrated with it.
Not coming back for classic til it’s gone.


I’d much rather suffer the temporary inconvenience of a layerless Classic in order to have a cohesive game world and player population during the most important formative era in Classic WoW, the initial leveling period.