Layering sucks even if its just P1 (Video Proof)

Alright then.

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Wow. Just wow. Seriously cloud computing is the only viable way to release a system to this many users (>200k). The test is to see how much they need to set the threshold . AWS does this through Elastic servers. Azure calls it something different. Blizzard calls it layering and it is very necessary. :v:

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Yes thatā€™s what its built upon but the official patch number of Classic is 1.13, Iā€™ll try and track down a SS, but anyone with Beta or Stress test access can verify.

183 votes and 111 comments so far on Reddit

oh wow, score one for the new forums, its now new forums 1 old forums 50000000000


Stud is right. Remember this is classicā€¦vanilla 1.12.1 with changes on top to make it act like 1.12 so it has to be 1.13.


Verified. Going to the login for the stress test says 1.13.2


Alright, I stand corrected, thank you.

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its a rare thing that i am actually right:O)

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lolā€¦bookmark this thread so you can link it in the future with ā€œsee, I was rightā€.


Yeah youā€™re definitely right. There have been plenty of bugs every single expansion. Iā€™m just saying I donā€™t think this was something intentional.

lol yah, score one for me:O)

speak for yourself.

Iā€™ve been through enough expansion launch /game launch with so many players the game was unplayable. more servers only means theyā€™ll get merged later on (hopefully). layering simply automatize that process; you donā€™t have to wait until blizz decide itā€™s time to merge them.

I want layering, I want sharding.

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Who wants to take my bet? This layering or sharding, whatever it makes no difference, will make it to launch. As soon as this happens to players who have actually played vanilla, they will just uninstall. Going to be a lot of people, probably thousands that do this I bet. Any takers?

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I wonder how a certain night elf druid who constantly shills for the Classic dev team no matter what is going to defend this.

Solution: No layering at all. Just let the Classic server launch go with more servers than originally planned and later on merge the low pop ones. More expensive maybe but far less game breaking for the community. They will more than make their $$ back thanks to satisfying their customers by not ruining the community.


You talking about eloraell or whatever their name is? That peson has more forum time than I have play time on retailā€¦

pretty poor shill as much as he dislikes Current WoW, and that was obviously a bug with the new tech that I hope got reported.

That isnā€™t a bug unfortunately. I was hoping the same thing.

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Itā€™s not a good idea to mention anyone on the forums name in particular, could get you a temp ban.

No, thatā€™s a bug, that is not how the tech is supposed to work, did Blizzard CS tell you it was not a bug and working correctly?

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No, it works the same way sharding works. It is entirely population driven and those players were in an unlucky scenario. The group gets merged into the layer/shard with lower population which happened to be the streamers layer (where the mob doesnā€™t exist). It happens in retail as well daily.

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