At least on Sulfuras realm, it appears to have been turned off.
Orgrimmar and other zones are packed.
Anyone else?
EDIT: It still says “Layered” on the realm selection screen but it certainly doesn’t feel like it. There’s also now a queue to login.
Skeram has no layering and this is a MEGA YIKES.
Did this just happen right now?
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It’s like this on Stalagg as well
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Nice, they are finally removing layering from high pop realms. Good to hear. Hopefully people will transfer now.
I cant even move… Skeram’s Org looks like a mad house with no one maintaining it…
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So the layering is permanently gone? How’s all the other servers?
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I love that they removed it, fellow realm citizen.
Now it feels like 2005.
Faerlina had a major major crash and stutter not sure if layer was eventually stripped
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God I hope so. Might as well remove all the layers early on then later.
The realm lists in the realm selection still say layering, but I think they turned it off.
https ://
remove the space and feel the lag.
WOW. Not the acronym, either.
I am still 112m from queue since the crash knocked me off Faerlina lol
Literally cant even see the ground in org on Skeram
I’m waiting in que on Kromcrush for the first time in a long time. Layerng must be gonzo.
I am so ready to adjust my settings to bare bones when I log in
I heard it doesn’t help, but I’ll do it anyway.
Like 10,000 people in Org right now. Can’t even move.